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Herbs For A Medicinal Herb Garden

Calendula Flower

Grow a simple and effective medicinal herb garden.

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Herb Gardens Spotlight10

Herbs To Soothe Tired Eyes

Saturday December 31, 2011


If you are like me, you suffer from too much computer time. Although I do look away every once in a while(not often enough), and do have a pair of reading glasses that I am supposed to wear, I feel my eyes becoming tired no matter how much I try to rest them. They become inflamed and definately feel overworked.

These herbs can help soothe eyes, with the added benefit of soothing and softening the delicate skin around the eyes as well. Enjoy!

Herbs To Soothe The Eye

Why Make Your Own Herbal Body Care Products

Saturday December 31, 2011

Herbal Body Care

Sometimes people ask me why they should bother making their own herbal body care products. The short answer is that it is satisfying to plant, grow, harvest and then create from my own garden.

Of course, there are more practical reasons as well. I have a couple  of my children who have extremely sensitive skin. No matter what lotion, soap, shampoo or other body cleaning product I tried on them, they would break out in a rash. The itching never stopped, and the dry, scaly patches increased.

That was when I decided to start making my own products. I currently make our soap, salves, washes, shampoos and other items. The kids seem to have recovered from the worst of the symptoms and none of us miss the *Wild, Wacky Watermelon* scent.  If you are on the fence about making one or more of your own natural body care products, see if this article helps.

Why Make Your Own Herbal Body Care Products

Herbs For Smoking

Friday December 30, 2011

Dried Ginko

Now, now...no one needs to become flustered by the title. I am referring to herbs that can be used as an alternative for smoking tobacco. These are the simplest of herbs, ones that you probably have in your own herbal stash right now. To use them, the need not be very dry - you will have to mist them lightly and let them reabsorb just enough to become pliable. Otherwise, they will burn up far too quickly and the smoke will be harsh.

Once you have your blend just how you like it, add a slice of apple to the mix, or tape a square of gauge on the inside of the lid and keep that damp. I have luck with those terra cotta disks used for keeping brown sugar soft. They are inexpensive and one lasts for far longer than a jar of smoking mixture would. (Full disclosure: the above photo is of dried Ginko leaves, but it was all I could find to represent dried herbs for this post. You do not smoke Ginko, folks).

I hope you find this useful!

5 Herbs For Creating An Herbal Smoking Mixture

10 Herbs For An Herbal Bath

Thursday December 29, 2011

Herbal Blends

There is nothing like a relaxing bath to soothe what ails you. Now that cold and flu season has commenced, you could be prepared for the downtime, by getting some herbal mixes together to help relieve the symptoms.

These herbs are also useful for sore muscles and calm frazzled nerves. They are all familiar choices, easy to buy or grow yourself. Enjoy!

10 Herbs For An Herbal Bath

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