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Why is the sky blue? Kids' questions parents fear

LONDON - They range from the easy, like "would a shark beat a dinosaur in a fight?" through the tricky, like "why is the sky blue?" to the near-impossible, such as "how much does the earth weigh?"

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Macho urinal game makes a splash in Japan

TOKYO - Three years ago the "Toylet" was just a pipe-dream for developers at Japanese video game maker Sega, but now the urinal video game has been rolled out at pubs across the nation.

Tech, Japan 4:05am EST

Wounded UK veteran fighting for gold at Paralympics

NEWPORT, Wales - Jon-Allan Butterworth served with the British armed forces in Afghanistan and Iraq, where he lost an arm, but says getting on a bicycle makes him most nervous.

Sports, Afghanistan 5:15am EST

Sweden launches probe into fate of Holocaust hero

STOCKHOLM - Sweden has commissioned a new inquiry into the fate of Holocaust hero Raoul Wallenberg, who saved tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews from the Nazis during World War Two but disappeared after being arrested by advancing Soviet troops in 1945.

18 Jan 2012

Egypt entrepreneurs see new dawn post-Revolution

CAIRO - Two months after mass protests ousted Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak last February, Ahmed Essam resigned from his job at a well-established software company to set up a six-person venture developing applications for smart phones.

18 Jan 2012

London Olympics faces "perfect traffic storm", report warns

LONDON - The opening weekend of the London Olympics in July has all the ingredients to whip up a 'perfect traffic storm', a report analyzing expected summer congestion levels in the capital warned on Wednesday.

18 Jan 2012

The world at your laptop Wed, Jan 18 2012

From the workplace to the warzone, a look at the myriad of ways people are connecting with the world through their laptops.

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