Reese Erlich is a rare voice coming out of Syria during this turbulent time. As one of very the few journalists able to get into Syria to report on the uprising, Erlich explains the tactics used by anti-regime demonstrators as well as their goals: free elections, a parliamentary system and an end to corruption. His reports give voice to all sides: regime loyalists, anti-government activists, businessmen, bazaar merchants, Kurdish refugees and other ethnic and religious minorities.


Few thought Tunisia's December 2010 uprising would so quickly spark revolts in the surrounding region. What will the Arab Spring mean for Syria, Egypt and Gaza?
December 10, 2011 / ABC News National
by Reese Erlich
Protests in Syria, and the government's response, have resulted in the death of thousands. Business people, religious and political leaders, and ordinary Syrians share their views on the unrest.
December 6, 2011 / Marketplace
by Reese Erlich
Rami Makhlouf is the owner of the successful cell phone company Syriatel—and cousin of President Bashar al-Assad. That relation has made the businessman and his company the target of Syrian...