
The Wisest, Most Relevant Novel About 9/11 Was Published in 1980

Jesse Kornbluth | Posted 09.08.2010 | Books

Jesse Kornbluth

The South African novelist J.M. Coetzee writes with a pen that's sharp as a knife, in ink made from his own blood. Or so it seems, for each word seems carved or cut, obtained at great price, offered as a sacrifice.

Go Big on Bastille Day

Matt Stewart | Posted 09.12.2010 | Books

Matt Stewart

One year ago today -- Bastille Day -- I released my debut novel The French Revolution on Twitter. It got some pretty good attention, and last fall I landed a traditional book deal with Soft Skull Press.

Why Publishers are Like Venture Capitalists

Mark Coker | Posted 03.18.2010 | Books

Mark Coker

I invite you to play the word game. Copy and paste this post into a word processor. Replace "entrepreneurs" with "authors," and "startups" with "books." Now read it again!

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