Last Update 18:45
The Syrian authorities have accepted an offer from the Russian government to attend informal talks in Moscow; opposition forces have yet to agree
Juba government blames its neighbours in the north for arming the gunmen who killed at least 40 people in the Warrap state
Prime Minister of the Palestinian government in Gaza Strip, Ismail Haniya, begins a tour to Arab Gulf countries, the second trip since 2007
Moshe Feiglin, a hard-line Jewish settler who opposes the idea of creation of a Palestinian state, says he could be an alternative to Netanyahu for Likud party leadership
Khartoum says 14 Chinese workers out of 29 kidnapped by rebels on Sunday have been released
Afghanistan and Pakistan plan to open a second front in negotiations with the Taliban in Saudi Arabia as US-brokered talks get under way in Qatar
At least 66 people, including 26 civilians, were killed in violence across Syria
At least 80 people killed, equally divided between Syrian military and civilian deaths, in the most intense clashes since the 10-month-old uprising began  
The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation calls on the international community to take the necessary measures to stop the continued bloodshed in Syria

Armed forces loyal to Assad retake control of the capital's eastern suburbs in bloody battle with opposition fighters as the Arab League's chief heads to New York, seeking UN intervention

Political leader of Hamas Khaled Meshaal arrives in Jordan on a one-day trip, his first visit to the country since being expelled in 1999

Israeli vision of future borders said to leave all of Jerusalem under the sovereignty of Israel

Maher Al-Assad, brother of Syrian President Bashar, is blamed for killings in a town near the Lebanese borders

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