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Al Jazeera exclusive: Homs under siege


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Uploaded by on Feb 8, 2012

The situation in the Syrian city of Homs is getting worse, as neighborhoods are surrounded and the shelling continues.


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  • Do not blame the Arab Spring - Arab Revolutions - on the West and Israel. Stop and think for a minute. Do you believe that Zine El Abidine of Tunisia, Mubarak of Egypt, Bashar of Syria, & that short Botaflika Ass of Algeria, or Saleh of Yemen are good people, “hell no”? They are all thieves, traitors and murders, & I have not even started counting yet. Look around you! Egypt will be better without Mubarak, such as the Arab world will be better without the rest of the thieves, traitors & murders.

  • Basahr is one big murder fucker. A man that kills his own people is a pure evil. A man that murders little children is a bastard. Neither Bashar nor his father made any difference in the history of Syria. Politically and none politically the Golan Heights remained with Israel. Bashar is one big loser. Bashar is another copy of Hosni Mubarak.

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  • @unreal672003 because they being bombarded with Pro-American propaganda everyday and all Pro-Assad news channels and even foreign ones is censored in US and Europe but if you say it and repeat it thousands stupid people will believe it.

  • @SunniShiaUnity Sunni are liars they want Assad to go who Alawite shi'ia and blame killings on Assad they are committing

  • @21boxhead yes you are right , but what these Brainwashed clones do not understand is even tho its all on Record , the US ,Brits admitted its regime change plot against Assad and they said we are aiding and supporting it, that is how stupid they are , its on New York times , the The guardian ect , how can some be so stupid it amazes me.

  • This is exactly what is happening in Syria why would the people lie? This is the people in this report speaking. I'm sick of all this conspiracy theory idiocy. If anybody knew anything about these Arab leaders they would know that we have been sick of them for years. But only now has the fear gone. You either support bashar or the Syrian ppl.

  • its china and russia that are holding anything from being done.

    watch the news, china, and russia, holding everything back.

  • Al-Jazeera Bullshit! again and blames Assad lol all the other news channels dont say that and yet I come in here to see what Al-Jazeera is spewing about.

  • Al jazeera lies and those RATS are killing civilians and blaming it on Assad

  • What a Crock of Shit! Typical Al-Jazeera Bullshit! Find the POOREST NEIGHBORHOOD AND TRY TO JERK SOME TEARS! Same Damn Frucking Sob Story Crap they did about LIBYA! Sure as Hell is NOT Worth another NATO SLAUGHTER!

  • @MainPolar yeah, but they were puppets for the US and Israel... the NWO want them gone now because they will not listen to them... ordo ab chao habibi...


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