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Military still investigating Mubarak arms deal commissions

The military prosecution denies rumours that it has dropped investigations into 1980s arms sales where ousted dictator Mubarak and Hussein Salem took illegal commissions

Ahram Online , Thursday 22 Mar 2012
Mubarak arriving to the court
Mubarak arriving to the court (Photo:AP)
Views: 644
Views: 644

Adel Morsi, the head of the military prosecution, denied Thursday news reports spread online Wednesday that the military prosecution has shelved investigations into arms deals commissions allegedly accrued by ousted Presidnet Mubarak.

Ousted President Hosni Mubarak and runaway businessman Hussein Salem are accused of accepting commissions on arms deals for the Egyptian armed forces in 1980s, a charge under investigation by the military since summer 2011.

Morsi stated to the media that the military prosecution has decided to summon lawyer Samir Sabry who claimed that he had documents related to the allegations.

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