France bans all public prayer

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Uploaded by on Sep 16, 2011

A new law has come into effect in France banning prayer in public spaces across the country.

The ban comes in the wake far-right protests over the practice - common among Muslims - of spreading out prayer mats in the streets.

The government has provided worshipers with temporary buildings to use.

Al Jazeera's Jacky Rowland has this report from Paris.


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  • I myself am an agnostic so I do not care about prayer, and would never ever pray. However, restricting someone's right to excercise their beliefs in public as long as it is not harming anyone else is dangerous. Taking away the people's liberties one by one.

  • Pft! "Islamisation"... It makes sense that France wants to hang on to the rule of law and not slowly but surely adopt laws that the majority doesn't agree upon, but come on!

    This talk about 'Islam taking over Europe' is ridiculous. What's the percent of French nationals who are of some French ethnic origin? Isn't it something like 80%? 20% ruling 80% is only possible when that 20% controls the finance, industry, and media used by the 80%. I doubt these poor Arabs and Africans are doing that..

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  • Thank the stars I was not raised by parents who believe the Creator/Designer wants people to wear veils, burkas, say a formula of words five times a day while sticking my butt in the air, AND! I believe in my heart the Creator/Designer favors moi because I will prance round and around and around a black rock in Mecca, again prancing around while uttering a formula of words. Absurd.

    The words and the thoughts generated by a reading of the Qur'an are not a conduit to the demeanor of the Creator.

  • @zentonil The difference between Digambar Jains and the MUSLIMAHS is only this: the Jains know that their lifestyle is going to be quite embarassing for the society to be in and seclude themselves away from the societies so that they dont put people in an uncomfortable situation. Whereas the MUSLIMAHS BULL-DOZE their way through as if the FACE-VEILS are a NORM in the society!!! A normal society has something called BASIC and BARE MINIMUM etiquette which every citizen needs to follow. PERIOD.

  • @zentonil How is it irrational? There is no society on this planet except the Arab culture where people cover their FACE in public!!!! People have seen so many FACE-VEILED tent houses moving around that they have grown a more THICK-SKIN to it! Otherwise, the FACE-VEILs are regarded with as much DISGUST as much as the NUDE! Talking to a NUDE one is as much DISGUSTING as talking to a FACE-VEILED ZOMBIE!! My point is very simple: Both are EXTREMES in a "NORMAL" SOCIETY but ONLY ONE is "ALLOWED"!!

  • @rationalindian10 I don't understand the point that you're trying to make. People find rap music to be offensive too, but it's completely irrational. Nudity is considered lewd by many people, universally. The argument against face-veils is an insecurity about identification, but the same could be said regarding sunglasses.

    I don't personally have any problem with nudity, so long as they are not aroused.

  • @zentonil Your comment: "If a woman wears a veil voluntarily, and it is part of her culture, who are we to say that it is not right?"

    And there are many throughout the world who even take the FACE-VEIL to be "OFFENSIVE" (i am sure you would have heard lots of people protesting the FACE-VEIL too)! But are they not given the FREEDOM to practise their culture? Even those NUDE SAINTS are NOT FORCED to be NUDE which is VOLUNTARY and part of their religious culture and tradition. What's da problem?!

  • @rationalindian10 There is a massive difference in this comparison. Nudity is a matter of decency and is offensive to many people, not including myself. If a woman wears a veil voluntarily, and it is part of her culture, who are we to say that it is not right?

  • @oldmanjenkins89 You're missing the point about the people doing field work generally being from Mexico and you're combining points that should've remained separate. I personally don't mind the public square being free of all religion, but if Christianity is allowed to be practiced in public forums in France then Islam should be too. This all started out of someone's commenting on how the LePens and FN are fear mongers. This is true, there is something deeper than Islamophobia to their rhetoric

  • Goddamn France, home of teh freemasons, fucked up, arrogant french with their gay language

  • @UnitedEuropa His true problem is that they take wellfare and that some have good live conditions! He is representing human trafficers and those who make big money by illegal labour. Wellfare, human rights make their business difficult: if she/he escaped she/he will find somewhere to go now!

  • @electangorocks That is the National alliance (Peten's patry) agenda?

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