Muammar Gaddafi: Obituary


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Uploaded by on Oct 20, 2011

A senior National Transitional Council official has said that deposed Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has died of his wounds after being captured near his hometown of Sirte.

Muammar Gaddafi came to power in 1969 in a coup at the age of 27 and went on to rule Libya for 42 years with an iron fist.

He has left Libya in tatters and despite the vast oil wealth, a vast majority of Libyans still live on about $2 a day and 40 per cent remain unemployed.

Gaddafi wanted to be the leader of the Arab world and modeled himself on Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser.

He published the Green Book which established rule of the people but in reality he exercised absolute power.

The former Libyan leader was accused of bombing Pan Am Flight 103 in Scotland, a charge he always denied. After this Libya remained under internatinal isolation for years.

When the uprising gathered momentum earlier this year he blamed everyone, from US to al-Qaeda, and called the protesters rats and cats of Libya.

Many will remember Gaddafi as the leader who set Libya back by many years.


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  • Do you know other country leaders that do not steal and at the same make such generous projects for own people? NOPE Ghaddafi was the only one who made econonic prosperity at the expense of LIBYAN funds, not BORROWED funds as other countries do. Those FUCKS that came to power have no control over the country, people are suffering of violent plunders

  • You're talking about the people who were hired to murder? You know they are not libyans. True lybians are not that agressive and mental fucks who we observe on TV

  • GOOD MAN KILLED!!((nothing to say((

  • i hope i meet some of you pro-Al-Queda fuckers so i can slit your throats. 

  • Any Regime or Dynasty will have its ending, look at Chinese Dynasties, soon The North Korean Dynasty will end. A country is ran by ONE MAN is never going to be good

    Especially when his son, then his grand son and his Great GREAT grand son still hold the power. The father is a good leader doesn't mean his heirs are also the good leaders.

    And again a country should be built by the people and if it failed apart, it should be its own people to overthrow it. (In this case it's NATO)

  • Lies all lies. He is not responsible for even 1000 deaths. The people he did have killed were Al Queda Extremists. I suggest you read up and not eat what the news feeds you. 90% of his country supported and still supports him. The people did not demand the removal of the regime. Only one city, Benghazi(which was filled with Shariah Law terrorists) did not support him. Also, Gaddafi did not run Libya because Libya was made up of committees by the people. Read up ignoramus.

  • Death to Gaddafi.. long live Al-queda(theyre in power in libya now, theyre our friends)

  • You're an eternally whining idiot. Now you're an criminal consequently let wipe your wet mouth and stop whining.

  • Al Jewzeera is officially an American channel

  • Gaddafi was slaughtered like a RAT.

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