Son of Muammar Gadhafi Reportedly Shot Dead During Live Interview With Al-Jazeera


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Uploaded by on Aug 21, 2011

Full Story:

In the last two minutes of this live telephone interview with Al-Jazeera Muhammad Gadhafi, son of Muammar Gadhafi, is reportedly shot and killed by rebel forces in Tripoli. Gun shots and explosions are recorded in the last two minutes of this video as the rebels storm the house. The phone then goes dead.

Original title translated from Arabic
Mohammed Gadhafi, son of Muammar Gadhafi and a private connection to the island and the call ends gunshot wounds and his death on the air

Original video with arabic description and title:

Original description translated from Arabic:
Mohammed Gadhafi, son of Muammar Gadhafi and a private connection to the island and the call ends gunshot wounds and his death on the air

FLASH Video | Muhammad Gadhafi, son of Muammar Gadhafi and a private connection to the island and the call ends gunshot wounds in his home and his death on the air moments ago and the call ends!!

"muammar gaddafi" "gunshot wounds" "gadhafi" "live interview" "arabic" "two minutes" "mohammed" "rebels" "explosions" "al jazeera" "explosion" "BREAKING" "firefight" "google" "Media" "gunshot" "Muammar Gaddafi" "youtube" "rant" "shock" "Safety"

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  • any stupid comment you see here like 'he deserved it', without even looking at their profile you can understand that it's coming from an American. I don't support what Gaddafi did but he was also not as bad as Western media tries to portray him. Anyone who does not want to follow the Western ideology, western countries have a problem with him. If you really cared about what Gaddafi did as a dictator then you would not supported the illegal state called Israel and genocide in Palestine.

  • @andybillnewstime You are such a disgusting American example of a sub human creature.

    I hope you die a slow and painful death!!!

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  • @Enviornmentalcomp Israeli soldiers don't need your help to kill small children of Palestine who are attacking them with stones and pebbles. They have guns to shoot down those 'coward' children. Indeed you are an American.

  • I am an American and i do support ISRAEL I will gladly stand next to any Israel' soldier and shoot dead the cowards who attack them. continue the good fight. keep killing these assholes

  • @LightSpeed333 bullshit, you have no idea of governance simple fact of the matter is that people are going to die to injustice no matter who the leader is, but has the leader directly called that shot is the question, and the answer is no, he has called for life, now call it what you want but at the end of the day it comes to two things when you are going to side with nato and its allies, corruption and control of a sovereign country by united states and its allies, decide life or death (u.s.a)

  • @theojay77 hes dead. there are videos(not a video VIDEOS) recorded of his death.



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