The Stream: The Ogoni vs oil giant Shell


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Uploaded by on Mar 8, 2012

Human rights abuses in the Niger Delta, we look at the real cost of oil extraction in Nigeria.




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  • Brilliant! Great clip, very well made. Really glad to see it. Well done to the whole team involved in this production. More please, ASAP!!!

  • It is evident a widely cast net of co-familial support across the Nigerian state will be needed to catch up what wealth can be rescued from the hands of a small minority blanketting oil concerns across the critical south-western corner of Africa.NGO activity may then attend to areas neglected by a Governance determined to maintain a poverty of development in favour of a breeding ground of disempowered ready recruits to whate'er may ensue in decades to come,and right a more Democratic balance.

  • @noprofitmaximierung

    Imperialism suggests that there is an empire, in the classical sense, behind it. These multinational corporations, thats the real problem, are more powerful than many empires have been in history. And less accountable. Shell is headquartered in the Netherlands, with a big office in london, and a huge subsidiary in the USA.

  • Everyone is missing the point here. The point is IMPERIALISM, when foreign corporations "invest" into a country and leave with more money, stealing wealth from countries and indebting entire nations from corrupting their politicians.

  • won't happen as shell and bp have seats in government

  • The minute foreign corporations got the wells running, gang factions within the country began trying to seize them. One would seize a well or pumping station, and the other would bomb it. Nigeria needs to start thinking like one people part of a nation before all is lost to Al Shabab and the gangs. Things are much more complicated.

  • I hope they do make corporations responsible for their acts of human devastation they have direct responsibility for! The Corporate world law recognizes Corporations as individual entities therefore; hold the individual accountable for their crimes. Not just some minor punitive damages that they can use for a writeoff at the end of their next quarter! Start with the Fuel companies & arms manufacturers and take all there profits & 50% of their operations liquidity so they actually feel the pinch!

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