Slavery: A 21st Century Evil: Child slaves


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Uploaded by on Nov 1, 2011

There are at least 8.4 million child slaves in the world today, many of them held as forced labour.




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  • All these retarded comments about muslim slavery, white slavery ,black slavery is all bullshit. Slavery is a world problem wether its sex slaves in amsterdam or child labour in china its a WORLD problem. Everyones as guilty a evryone elce so forget raping about wat happened in the 19th century, the 15th century or the 6th century

    and stert looking at what is happening in the here and now!

  • @ahmed337799 Telling the facts of history is a cheap shot? Do you dismiss and deride all facts that make you uncomfortable?

    You are not the history of your people nor do you have any guilt for what your ancestors did. We all have antecedents who were horrible, rotten, nasty people. We also all have ancestors who were lovely, kind and good. The good or bad acts of OTHERS have no real bearing on you unless you emulate them so don't take the facts of history personally.

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  • we can just blame the russians for all our problems

  • America biggest funder of Haiti? Wow. To call a thief a funder??? WOW. :O Just plain WOW! France, and the USA owe Haiti mass reparations. For stolen wealth, land devastation, using Haiti as a drug port for narcotics and money laundering. Supporting dictators, arming them. Wow.

  • @philliptiwo1

    Add to it that the ones doing the bombing do not stop doing it. Planes don't fly themselves. A government cannot bomb another country without participants. Taxpayers, soldiers...

  • HuH?? Slavery? This is more like child abuse than slavery.

  • @ciaochowbella History is like a pass on diseases that affect you sometimes if it doesn't  affect you at all.

  • The most wicked act of injustices i know is when a nation goes to another nation and bombard innocent people with bombs and ammunitions, if you can solve this problems first ! surely the other problems will be solve, because there is a lot going on behind closed door that is turning all effort to find solutions to nothing, and to find solution, start from the president. 

  • @ahmed337799 I haven't said anything about Al Jazeera being biased or not. ALL news agencies have a bias. So what? Comparing child labor to forced marriage and rape are two different things. It does not MATTER if it's technically legal for a girl to divorce. They shouldn't have been forced in the first place. How would you feel if you were sold to a man you didn't know or like, forced to have sex with him, beaten, treated like property and could be killed on a whim? You're glossing it over.

  • @ciaochowbella

    yep well i hardly see how that makes aljazeera in anyway biased. forcing children into labor doesn't compare to a woman marrying another man against her will, especially since it's legal in muslim countries for a woman to divorce.

  • @ahmed337799 You made a comment in public forum. That gives anyone the right to reply.

    If they are being paid for their work, it might not qualify as slavery. However, a forced marriage is. But these are not the only forms of exploitation. There are many forms of slavery.

    Oh, and it's not merely my problem as you so dismissively state. It's the problem of the world. Your cold, simple definition of it rather exhibits a lack of compassion for your fellow humans. I hope that isn't the case.

  • @ciaochowbella

    why did you reply to me in any case? i posted to someone who keeps trying to discredit aljazeera by fabricating stories that demonize muslims. that's it. as for slavery existing everywhere, that just depends on how you define it. if you think arranged marriages or cheap indian labour is slavery that's your problem.

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