Al Jazeera Correspondent : Mustang: A Kingdom on the Edge


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Uploaded by on Oct 16, 2011

Al Jazeera's Steve Chao follows the struggle of the Tibetan people to preserve an ancient culture.

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  • Great documentary. What is happening to Nepal and its indigenous Buddhist culture is terrible. And who benefits? The corrupt Nepali government officials (Police, Home Ministery and anyone else willing to take China's bloody money) and the Chinese Government. Thanks Al Jazeera for covering this issue in depth. I hope you will do more!

  • Shame on the Chinese government for trying to wipe out the culture of these people.

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  • I know enough to recognize autocracy, brutality and exploitation whereever I see it and its written all over china and its politicies. Free Tibet you animals.

  • you fool. you konw nothing about China, you'd better do some work before commenting.

  • Shame on you Nepal. For so many years nepalese came to India to work and now they dont want india and are selling out to the Chinese. I honestly wish china rots in hell for its a evil empire on earth.

  • they never had felt in tibetian boundary long before since america was discovered... wtf is he trying to prove... U guys sucks living in fascinating city and criticising the things that gonna improve the peoples live out there.. U just love to visit those places, think like u live there n u will understand the things more clearly...

    and why the thing out china which haven't invade any single inch of Nepalese territory... why not about india which is worse in scenario

  • The road will be the death of that beautiful pristine place. I've just come back from trekking the lower Annapurna Circuit and the litter and plastic bottles left by trekkers and tourists was disgusting. Chinese tourists were the worst. They treated their trek guides like slaves and were constantly spitting everywhere and I saw them leaving empty water bottles at rest stops. I even tried to tell one of them to take his litter with him and he "didn't understand me".

  • why china adding people of Mustang? 

  • great.


  • I don't know what is the problem. When a country set up fence on their border is against humans' rights? The United States does it to Mexico and Canada. Having military guarding the border is abnormal? I am confused about this video.

  • What a wonderful film.I will travel there god willing at the end of this year.I will be more sensitive to the issues there because of this.

  • GTA lol

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