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Talk to Al Jazeera: Mohamed Saad Katatni: 'Not a religious party'


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Uploaded by on Nov 27, 2011

What does the Muslim Brotherhood want for Egypt's future? An interview with the group's secretary general.

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  • Not a religious party who in the hell do they think their fooling they are about as fundamental as the wackos come just read about their history it's really obvious even for the stupid to understand.

  • @osirry1 I'm aware of those attacks too. The attacks I was referring to are exemplified by last Christmas and New Years bombings...they had nothing to do with the military. I believe there are many incidences like this where a Christian boy talks to a Muslim girl, then Muslim riot and his church is destroyed. I'm also aware of Muslims afterward attending Coptic churches, offering their bodies as human shields against the militants. We must acknowledge that those militants represent the MB.

  • @humbertodiazthebest

    Amen to that.

  • @wideawake123 Hi :). just in reply to your statement, I live in egypt, and i live in upper egypt (which is actually southern parts of egypt, that is how we call it, sorry for the mix up hehehe). This area has the most populous region of Copts and churches, and i've seen with my own eyes soldiers coming in with army-issued vehicles coming in and bombarding parts of churches. Niether the muslim brotherhood, or indeed any other civilian have anything to do with these attacks.

  • I just hope that Egypt gets a good democracy and all the Egyptians , Christians or Muslims can live together in peace. 

  • @justin523 Yeah that's what they're good at. They say one thing for western consumption and something totally different when it's "just between us". What I said about the contradictions is true. Those are facts. Might I suggest you visit MEMRI on YouTube and watch some of their videos. Even what's posted on AJ(arabic) is completely different. MEMRI gives the translations of what they say "just between us'. These people are horrifying. They want to kill us all...really. Convert, enslave or kill.

  • @wideawake123 it sounds to me like hes saying they wanna stop that feuding and join together and make a civilized society.. though i know nothing of this history.. this is what i hear him saying

  • Well that's all just a bunch of lies isn't it. "a democratic state with and Islamic sharia law"? The two concepts are mutually exclusive. Sharia and democracy are as distant concepts as a Hog and the Moon. Re: The Copts -The MB were the one's attacking the Copts, now this creepy bastard is saying there's a place for Copts in the modern Egypt? The place he's talking about is in Mass Graves!

  • @Uhmu45 who the fuck are ? lol

  • Talk is cheap. I dont believe before i see how they rule :P


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