UK police accused of racially abusing black man


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Uploaded by on Mar 31, 2012

A policeman in London has been suspended after a black man secretly recorded officers allegedly racially abusing him with a string of insults.

The 21-year-old says he made the recording on his mobile phone when he was arrested after last summer's riots.
Al Jazeera's Peter Sharp reports from London.


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  • If this happened in the US it would be swept under the rug and forgotten.

  • Wow, the officer let him talk back. In America, he would have been tazed and further charges would be pressed against him. He might have even got shot for the hell of it. He's actually quite lucky he lives in the UK. At least the cop thought he was intelligent enough to engage in conversation.

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  • Its people like you that really make me realize how fucked up people are.

  • WTF is he complaining about? In the US they'd of just murdered him. he's lucky to be a brit. HOW SAD. . .

  • lol.

  • This is standard police behaviour really.

  • Im just so exhausted by it all. Its a shame that I have to be so leery of public authority and take so many steps to keep myself protected. Its not an entirely different feeling from avoiding rogue soldiers in an occupied country or something.

    For every one good policeman who works diligently and uses his badge to enforce the law, it seems like your going to have at least 3 bad ones who use their badge to enforce their ego or their prejudice.

    R.I.P. Trebon Martin...

  • Sadly, as ever, the police can't win. If some of them behave like racist bastards it just shows they are ALL racist bastards. If they try and do something about the racist bastards it's because the truth will out, and they are still all racist bastards! *sigh*

  • Sadly there isn't cause to be so optimistic. Anyone reasonable would have assumed the man had made backup copies of the recording.

  • The victim took the recording into a Met police station. The cops there COULD have told him to go away, tampered with the evidence or 'lost' the phone. Instead they did exactly the right thing, leading to all this (justified) publicity. THAT'S the kind of police service we want and deserve in this country. Racist nutters should be sacked, they should not taint the vast majority of good cops.

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