YouTube APIs and Tools

Interactive YouTube API Demo Beta

This page lets you explore the YouTube Data API by generating and executing different types of API requests and viewing the API responses for those requests. The following instructions explain how to query a feed:

  1. Select the operation that you want to perform. For example, you could search for (query) videos, retrieve standard feeds, create favorite videos or delete complaints.
  2. Construct the API request. Note that the instructions for customizing the generated request are optional.
    • If you are performing a query (search) operation, enter search parameters and then edit the resulting request URL.
    • If you are inserting, updating or deleting a resource, enter information about that resource and then tweak the XML in the body of the generated request.
  3. Click the Submit button. The XML response will display in the Response section of the page.

Authenticate with YouTube (optional)

Authentication with YouTube is only required for write operations.  

Query or update videos, subscriptions, favorites, friends etc.