Uganda Speaks
Prime minister says online campaign will correct "false impression" given by US group's film that Uganda is in conflict.
Co-head of Invisible Children taken to hospital after reportedly being found screaming at traffic in a state of undress.
Ugandans, who suffered at hands of Lord's Resistance Army, react in anger at Kony video causing internet waves.
Firoze Manji, editor of Pambazuka Online, says the campaign plays into western constructs and prejudices about Africa.
By Azad Essa
Should charities freely use the power of social media to shape public opinion around the world?
By Inside Story
Film about Ugandan war crimes suspect attracts millions of viewers online, and prompts debate about group that made it.
US president approves new 'humanitarian intervention' in several African countries to tackle the Lord's Resistence Army.
By Jim Lobe
Uganda foreign minister says US assistance in fighting Lord's Resistance Army is long overdue.
Economy, history and politics of East African nation brought into the news for long-running rebel movement in the north.
The Lord's Resistance Army leader believes he is a prophet and has led a brutal insurgency for more than 20 years.
Ugandan rebel force has gained international notoriety for murdering, raping and kidnapping thousands of civilians.
US special forces are providing training and logistical support in hunt for Joseph Kony.

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#Kony2012 Video

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Response to criticism
Invisible Children CEO addresses some of the questions asked about the #Kony2012 video
In Video

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