The Stream : Military trials resume in Guantanamo


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Published on Apr 13, 2012 by

We look at the debate surrounding military vs. civilian trials.




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  • close Guantanamo

    stop torture

    nazis tortured people too!!

  • If the US is a terrorist. Then Canada is a terrorist as-well.

  • What do you call enemy combatants , people that are defending their country against US oppression ?

    Maybe they are freedom fighters, maybe they are terrorists.

    Depends what side of the fence you're on .

    All I know is that the USA is interfering in countries only for their own self gain.

    Sounds like the biggest terrorist state on this planet to me.

    You can form your own opinion.

    I don't think the USA belongs in Cuba to do their dirty work there without interference. and without fair justice.

  • Do you know why 9/11 happened?

    Because people got mad. At America and its Western partners, for being so perpetually involved in the Middle East.

    If there was no involvement to this scale, 9/11 would not have happened.

    Besides, involvement to this scale, and America's strong allegiances with other nations (NATO, UN) is against America's founding principles of not living under the influence of the wills of other nations.

  • America's always after the oil - or some other valuable resource that it thinks fuels its economy. In other nations, where similar ideological violence occurs, America doesn't care, as long as it doesn't disrupt their oil supply chain (see Zimbabwe and similar cases, including Uganda, where the US has not thought about intervening until the discovery of large oil reserves).

  • FAIR,hang the bastards

  • 1. U.S Should never had invade Iraq.

    2. U.S should never had gone to war without preparation

    3. Human Activist should shut the faak up so Terrorists get punish for their ideologies and philosophies.

    4. U.S should have gone to Iran instead of Iraq now Iran had nuclear and they threat to the whole World not only Israel and West but also to their Muslims neighbors.

  • How should we treat enemy combats? Tell me how you would run things in Guantanamo if you were the president of the US.

  • now aljazeera fills in the comment section, your a bunch of propaganda bums,nail your doors shut world traitor clowns

  • Oh Guantanamo , the most oppressive part of Cuba ,powered by the US of A.

    The hypocrisy continues.

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