Social Pulse

The Hit List What people we follow are reading

      What's this?

      Our journalists and official Twitter accounts follow everyone from economists to business leaders to tech innovators to politicians, and these are the stories being talked about by the newsmakers we follow. The more a story is shared on Twitter by these influencers the more likely it is to appear here.

      • Sectors
      • Tech
      • Finance
      • Healthcare
      • Industrial
      • Cyclicals
      • Energy

        What's this?

        Our sentiment graph is powered by WiseWindow, a company that tracks and analyzes hundreds of thousands of social sources for sentiment about companies, products and more. Here we're showing you the most discussed companies of the day within each sector and how attitudes about them are shifting in comparison to their stock price percentage change.


        Reuters & Klout 50 The Most Social CEOs

        What's this?

        Reuters and Klout have partnered to rank the most influential CEOs using social media metrics. We are ranking well over fifty people, but only the top 50 appear on this site. To make the list the user has to be a CEO, active on Twitter, tweeting in English, and have their own handle separate from their company's (sorry @zappos).


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