April 25, 2012

The county is entirely within the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and contains part of Badlands National Park. It is an alcohol prohibition or dry county; taxes on alcohol consumed within the county go to other counties.

Shannon County is one of two counties in South Dakota that does not have its own county seat (Todd County is the other). Hot Springs in neighboring Fall River County serves as its administrative center. It is also one of five South Dakota counties that are entirely on an Indian reservation. (The others are Corson, Dewey, Todd, and Ziebach.)

Until 1982 Shannon and Washabaugh County, South Dakota, were the last unorganized counties in the United States. Although it was organized and received a home rule charter that year, Shannon, as noted above, contracts with Fall River County for its Auditor, Treasurer, Director of Equalization, State’s Attorney and Registrar of Deeds.



Shannon County Commissioner Redistricting

Due to large population discrepancies between commissioner districts the Shannon County commissioners are considering changes to the districts. The legal descriptions for the new districts and a map showing the new districts can be viewed below. Shannon Co Ordinance #2012-01, Commission Redistricting District #1: • Beginning at the SE corner of Section 36, Twp 37, [...]


Shannon County Landownership Maps

The landownerships maps for Shannon County have been updated. The maps on the website are current as of April 1st, 2011. Maps are located on the GIS page.