1. Parenting & Family

Is Your Baby In Danger?

Car Seat Safety

Did you know that winter coats can impede on how well your baby is restrained in an accident? Follow these steps to make sure your baby is as safe (and warm) as possible.

Car Seat Advice
Baby's First Year Spotlight10

What Are the Most Popular Baby Names of All Time?

Monday April 30, 2012

If you had to list the top 10 baby names of the past 100 years, what names do you think would make the list? Would Madison and Aiden make the cut? What about Mary and William?

It might just surprise you to see what makes the list!

What Do Babies Really Need?

Monday April 30, 2012

Recently I had an email from a reader asking about ways to trim down the costs of setting up the nursery. In a situation where she needed to budget wisely, she needed help in sorting through what really were nursery room essentials and what could be considered simply added extras.

With a little bit of dialogue, we came up with this list of nursery must-haves. There are so many ways to simplify the nursery, and by sticking with just the basics, parents can save themselves several hundred (if not thousands) of dollars. You just have to focus on what truly is important and what is added bonus.

Baby and Bicycle Safety - How Young Is Too Young?

Monday April 30, 2012

In a few weeks are youngest will be celebrating her first birthday (where did the year go exactly?). One of things we are looking forward to with this milestone, is family bike trips. Many parents are surprised to learn that health and safety professionals as well as most bike helmet manufacturers, do not advise that babies under a year are passengers on bikes - either in baby bike seats or in pull behind trailers.

While we are still sifting through the reviews of trailers and seats and have not yet decided what we will buy (I'll be sure to clue you in when we do), I have been reviewing Biking With Baby Safety Guidelines to make sure our precious cargo is safe (and happy) on our rides.

The Best Tricycle for Babies and Toddlers

Monday April 30, 2012
Smart-Trike 3-in-1 Zoo

I have to admit that I don't often get really revved up about baby toys. For the most part, of come to realize that my baby is just as happy with the wrapping paper scraps and the box than she is with what is actually in the box. But this is one of those occasions where I am happy to share with others my pleasure with the Smart Trike 3-in-1 Tricycle. (Follow a link for a complete review).

This actually was purchased as a slightly early birthday present, and it did not disappoint. Perfect for babies beginning around 10 months, this trike adapts as your baby grows. More than likely, your baby will be enjoying it until around her third birthday.

Great quality, great construction, easy to assemble, and a piece of cake to maneuver, your baby will love going for walks in and later riding on the Smart Trike 3-in-1.

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