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Tarot Major Arcana Art Card

Wednesday May 2, 2012
The Moon Tarot

Healing Photo of the Week

The Moon depicted here is the most recent Tarot Art Card submitted by artist Astrid Amadori in response to my Artist Call Out for Original Tarot Art.

I keep a Healing Photo of the Week Archive if you wish to revisit previous photos featured.

~ Healing Lesson of the Day ~
~ Affirmation of the Day ~

Godzilla Draw Something © Phylameana lila Desy

Healing Doses of the Week - Apr 23-29

Monday April 30, 2012
April 30, 2012 - Throughout the week I am blogging, writing new articles, updating or revising older content, also adding reader submissions. Healing Doses is Monday morning's blog roundup of what has been added over the past week at About Holistic Healing.


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Today is National Arbor Day

Friday April 27, 2012
yoga April 27, 2012 - National Arbor Day

I have had a life-long love affair with trees. They possess affirming spirits with their uplifting branches and grounding roots. Trees teach us how to stand our ground (rooting) , yet they are are not as rigid as you might think, they have a go-with-the-flow ability as they naturally bend and sway when the wind blows. They offer beautiful and colorful displays as their leaf colors turn from green to brilliant yellow and blazing orange.

Seasonal changes are reflected in Springtime leaf budding, umbrella-like branches and green foliage shading us from scorching days of Summer, Autumn color changes, and their bared branches in the Winter months. The apparent seasonal changes a tree makes offers lessons in adapting to change. Trees beautifully illustrate the natural cycle of life (birth, death, and rebirth).

If you are having difficulty grounding, go outdoors and wrap your arms around a tree and give it a hug. To take this exercise a little bit further go ahead and talk to the tree. Besides being huggable and good listeners trees also have a variety of medicinal properties.

If you are indoors or in a location where you do not have access to a living tree to hang out with, try conjuring one up in your mind. It isn't difficult to visualize yourself as a tree.

My Tai Chi instructor, Lena Ku, taught our class that trees will absorb energetic sludge and transform it into positive energy. It's very cool that trees themselves are recyclers, don't you think? If you are needing to clean your aura or purge yourself of negativity or "icky" energy, go near a tree to scoop up any debris in your auric body with your hands and push it toward the wood/trunk. Be sure to say "please and thank you" to the tree for its recycling services.

Tree Photography

Tree Stories, Poetry, and More
History of Arbor Day | Honoring Our Sacred Trees

Focus Friday - This post is part of a once-weekly blog feature focusing on a singular healing topic. If you would like to get notifications delivered to your inbox each Friday alerting you to the Focus Friday topic please subscribe to my newsletter. In addition to the Friday delivery subscribers also receive my standard newsletter sent on Tuesday mornings. The Tuesday edition highlights new articles, newest blog posts, and includes links to a variety of healing topics.

Can Dog Vaccinations Cause Deafness?

Thursday April 26, 2012

Free Advice from Animal Reiki Shaman, Rose De Dan


Reader Question: Mojo is a 14 year old female bichon shitzu dog. She has gone completely deaf within the last year a few months after receiving vaccinations. Could this be because of the vaccinations? Could Reiki or energy healing help her? She is very healthy otherwise.
Thank you, Iris

Response from Rose: Dear Iris, there are actually two different issues for consideration here, so let me begin with your question asking if there could be a correlation between Mojo's recent vaccinations and her hearing loss.

While I am not a veterinarian, I do try to stay current on the holistic approach to vaccination protocols for the benefit of my own animals, and Dr. Richard H. Pitcairn, DVM is considered an authority on the potential side effects of over-vaccination. In his article, A New Look at the Vaccine Question, I found no listing of auditory issues, but he does recommend a safe homeopathic remedy to assist in counteracting any existing or potential side effects from over-vaccination.

Repeated vaccinations can place a tremendous burden on any animal's body. For Mojo's future benefit you may wish to take a look at a previous article of mine, Preventative Care and Energetic Healing for your Dog, so that you can make an informed decision for next year.

For the hearing loss I would suggest a two-part approach. First, have Mojo checked by a veterinarian to determine whether it is the result of an easily treated physical issue. Getting a diagnosis (or lack) helps to narrow down the possible approaches.

If the deafness is a result of neurological issues, then an energy healing modality such as acupuncture can be very helpful. If you are open to finding a holistic vet you may even be able to have the physical exam and the acupuncture done at the same location (see Dog Acupuncture).

Reiki may also be an option, and while there are areas of overlap in how the two modalities work, there are also differences.

Traditional acupuncture requires a high level of training and skill at evaluation to be most effective.

Reiki takes an entirely different approach--based on being, rather than doing. The most important intention during any Reiki session is that the energy is offered for the highest healing good of the recipient. Put simply, the flow and allocation of energy is guided by a dialogue between the Reiki energy and the recipient's own healing systems; the practitioner is only a straw for the energy to flow through, eliminating the need to ascertain the cause (diagnose).

As a Reiki Master I tell my students that acupuncture and Reiki work very well together; it is not necessary to choose one over the other. If you are willing to take a Reiki class yourself you will also be able to offer energetic support to Mojo on a daily basis for ease, comfort, and quality of life throughout her senior years.

Rose De Dan,
Animal Reiki Shaman

Disclaimer: Rose De Dan shares insights derived from spirit and through animal communication. Any advice she offers is not meant as a substitute for veterinary care.

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