1. Health

Tips for Buying Reading Glasses

Choose eyeglasses

The many colors and styles of over-the-counter reading glasses may surprise you, but more surprising will be the many different powers or strengths available. How will you know which one to buy?

More on Aging Eyes
Vision Spotlight10

Protecting Your Toddler's Eyes

Thursday April 26, 2012

The sun's rays are harmful, especially to your little ones' eyes. Some parents are diligent about making their kids wear their sunglasses outside, but some say their kids just won't keep them on.

How about you? How do you persuade your children to protect their eyes with shades?

Getting Your Toddler to Wear Sunglasses

Spring Allergies: Eye-Opening Tips

Monday April 23, 2012

A mild winter may have cut us a break on colds and flu, but it's making up for it with an early gust of spring allergy woes. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, about 26 million Americans endure chronic seasonal allergies.

Fortunately, eye allergies can be curtailed and sometimes even prevented by following a few simple recommendations from California Optometric Association (COA). Here are a few tips to keep in mind in order to help fight off spring allergies and enjoy the blooming season!

  1. Wash your hands often with soap and water and avoid touching or rubbing your eyes
  2. Talk to your optometrist about changing your cleaning method of using sing-use contact lenses
  3. Try to reduce time wearing contact lenses and replace old lenses as directed
  4. Get a comprehensive annual eye exam

Source: Brittany Kang, for California Optometric Association

Sight-Threatening Eye Allergies to Look Out For

Friday April 20, 2012

Many of us complain of eye allergies during this time of the year. However, a couple of eye allergies can be very serious. Atopic and vernal keratoconjunctivis are two types of eye allergies that can be much more severe and can actually be sight-threatening.

Serious Types of Eye Allergies

Sun Wear: What Looks Good on You?

Thursday April 19, 2012

Picking the right sun wear can be fun. Sunglasses not only protect our eyes from damaging UV radiation from the sun, but they also make us look cool and fashionable at the same time.

When shopping for sunglasses, the following guide can help you find the best frame shape and color to complement your best features.

Tips for Buying Sun Wear

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