Scott Brown adds backing of former Worcester mayor to that of former Boston mayor Ray Flynn

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April 30, 2012

US Senator Scott Brown, a Republican who has shown past support in Democratic Massachusetts, today is announcing the endorsement of Konnie Lukes of Worcester, who formerly served as the mayor of the state’s second-largest city.

She joins Raymond L. Flynn of Boston, the former mayor of the state’s largest city, in backing Brown in his reelection campaign against Democrat Elizabeth Warren.

Flynn, who previously announced his endorsement of Brown, will join the senator at 1:15 p.m. at Castle Island in South Boston.

The event will be held at Sullivan’s, the ice cream and food stand popular with lunchgoers.

At 3:30 p.m., Lukes will appear with Brown at Worcester City Hall.

Both are conservative Democrats. Brown has shown an ability to attract support from such voters, first in his 2010 race against Martha Coakley and now against Warren.

Glen Johnson can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @globeglen.


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Glen Johnson Glen Johnson is Politics Editor at and lead blogger for "Political Intelligence." He moved to Massachusetts in the fourth grade, and has covered local, state, and national politics for over 25 years. E-mail him at Follow him on Twitter @globeglen.