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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Collectible Cars

HOME AGAIN Edward N. Dina’s 1913 Fiat is to appear at the Rhinebeck 2012 car show.
Jay Hirsch

HOME AGAIN Edward N. Dina’s 1913 Fiat is to appear at the Rhinebeck 2012 car show.

Last weekend, the Hudson River Valley Antique Auto Association unofficially started the region’s collector-car season with the annual car show and swap meet in Rhinebeck, N.Y. At the show was be a 1913 Fiat that was made in Poughkeepsie.


Importing Japan’s Forbidden Models

Cars produced for the Japanese domestic market have a following in the United States that’s based on their limited availability and cultural significance. But owning such a car demands commitment.

Nostalgia for the Lada: Cold War, Toasty Heater

Production of the Russian-made Lada is about to end, and it doesn’t seem the car will be missed much. But for a collector in Finland, the Lada retains some allure.

A Russian Porsche by Way of Finland?

While the Finns welcome Russian investment, like the decision to build the Marussia B2 sports car here, no one expects it to become a big seller in Finland. Taxes are one of the reasons.


The Shelby Cobra at 50, an Icon of Sex and Power

When the Shelby A.C. Cobra was introduced at the New York auto show in 1962, it was well received. But few could have imagined that the upstart sports car would become one of the bluest of blue-chip classics.


For GMC, 100 Years of Hard Labor

To many people shopping for new vehicles, there is little to differentiate the trucks sold by Chevrolet and GMC. But to collectors, GMC holds claim to a hard-working personality distinctly its own.

Authentic Japanese

Owners of Japanese domestic market cars go to great lengths, and often considerable expense, to find and maintain models configured just as they would be in a Tokyo showroom.

Lada Love

With his collection of Ladas, Risto Nykanen hopes to keep alive the memory of the boxy Soviet automobiles that were once the family car of Finland.

Off-Road Class

Land Rover’s success in the United States was based on a counterintuitive premise: that affluent buyers would be willing to pay a premium for a down-and-dirty sport utility vehicle.

A Half-Century of Horsepower

With voluptuous lines that continue to transcend time, and blistering performance, the Shelby Cobra readily achieved canonization in the car-collecting church.

What’s In a Nameplate?

GMC, which is celebrating its 100th year, holds claim to a hard-working personality distinctly its own.

Early Signs of Spring at Amelia Island

The Amelia Island concours, the premier East Coast event for connoisseurs of high-end automobiles, set a sales record this year.
