
Local Navigation


    The Standard (XHTML) version is optimised to work on most mobile devices. Just go to and your handset will be automatically redirected to this version.

    It's easy to browse around and also features substantial video and audio content.

    If your phone supports BBC iPlayer, you will find links to the service on the homepage.


    This version is for devices with larger screens, advanced mobile browsers and for PCs.

    This is the full version of, so it won't work on all mobile devices. It may be slower and more expensive to browse due to the amount of data involved, depending on your service plan.

    To view the desktop version, click on the 'Go to desktop site' link at the bottom of the BBC Mobile homepage.


On most BBC mobile pages (eg News pages) you'll see a Preferences link at the bottom of the page.

Click on the Preferences link and follow the instructions.

Find out about other ways to customise BBC Mobile to suit you.

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