Last Update 2:7
Unity and national strength is in a state of all its citizens; destruction and catastrophe is in division
In an unprecedented development, comedy superstar Adel Imam is facing a possible three-month prison sentence for alleged "contempt of religion" in several of his films.
Pacing up and down the arena of cyber-politics, in search of the Islamist homunculus secretly ensconced in the minds of liberals who covet a role in history more than anything history might actually give
The entrance of Omar Suleiman into Egypt's presidential race is an attempt to revive the alliance between capitalists and the military bureaucracy that was ousted by the January 2011 revolution. Will it succeed?
With a constituent assembly dominated by an alliance between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafist political parties, what hope is there for a liberal Egypt?
The Arab revolutions herald not only the inevitability of democratic rights in the Arab world, but also the end of the capacity of imperial powers to dictate to the Arabs their destiny
Why have Arab journalists at Western media failed to have a voice and make a difference in Middle East reporting?
The international community needs to act to protect human rights in Syria, but arming the opposition is not the solution
Are coalition governments really the answer?
The sad story of one duplicitous MP illustrates how complex life and politics become in the age of global media
Egypt has remained in a state of relative industrial backwardness until now due to its tendency to adopt anti-industry economic policies imposed by corrupt interests and the edicts of globalisation
On 18th anniversary of Ibrahimi Mosque massacre, Jewish settlers - backed by Israeli political/security establishment - are still striving to make lives of Hebron's Palestinians a living hell

If the Islamic current - a conservative force - is changing, it should come as little surprise that Egyptian civil forces, too, stand on the brink of transformation

Who's best - the Spare Tyre, the Retired Terrorist, George W., or Cigar Bey? Egypt's presidential candidates fail to inspire

Who are you voting for in the coming presidential elections? Perhaps it's easier to say who should not get votes

The mismanagement and deceitful subversion of the first wave of the people's revolution in Egypt, both by the military and Islamist forces, will ensure that the revolution continues, thankfully

At about five am this morning (2 May),I woke up to news of people being murdered in and around the site of the Abbassiya (Ministry of Defence) sit-in (#MOF on Twitter, ongoing since late Friday, 27 April)

In recent months, the military and police have erected walls throughout downtown Cairo, zoning and barricading the city in a tactic reminiscent of Israel's hated separation wall

Egyptians are suffering a dearth of inspiring presidential candidates due to decades of political decay and corruption - we must be patient until we get the politicians we deserve

Egypt's ruling SCAF has been meddling in the legislative process since January - and parliament isn't doing enough to stop it

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