RightsLink SDK
Copyright Clearance Center

Add Licensing to Your Mobile App

Download the RightsLink Mobile Software Development Kit

As a RightsLink-enabled publisher, you can now add licensing capabilities to your iPhone® and iPad® apps and enable your customers to conduct licensing transactions of all kinds – without leaving your application.

This in-app licensing function is available free of charge and can be easily implemented using CCC’s RightsLink Mobile Software Development Kit (SDK) for iPhone and iPad. Click the “download” button below to get the kit.



  • Add a “Get Permission” button into your app’s workflow to invoke RightsLink directly from inside your app
  • Format the RightsLink window for iPhone or iPad
  • Retain all pricing and rights information that your RightsLink enabled website contains

RightsLink is launched when the user chooses the "get permissions" button

User conducts licensing transactions of all kinds without leaving the publisher's application

Haven't Automated Your Licensing Using RightsLink Yet?

Contact a RightsLink Representative to learn more about how RightsLink can help you increase revenue from permissions and reprint licensing.