1. Business & Finance

Budgeting for a Baby

budget for a baby

Learn how to budget for all the expenses that come with having a baby -- from cribs to crayons, diapers to daycare.

Money 101
Budgeting & Personal Finance Spotlight10

How the Government Budgets and Spends

Saturday May 5, 2012

Here's an interesting graphic: The chart below shows how the U.S. federal government earns, budgets and spends its money. The pie chart on the left shows how money comes in; the pie chart on the right shows how that money is spent.

For example, 37 percent of the government's income comes in the form of borrowing money. That means $1 out of every $3 is new debt!

What are your thoughts on this chart? What lessons about budgeting, spending and debt can you pull from it? Drop by the forum to share your thoughts!

Government Budget

Source: The 1040 Federal Tax Form

How Much Can You Withdraw in Retirement?

Monday April 30, 2012
How much money can you withdraw for retirement?

How much money can you withdraw from your retirement portfolio each year? Traditionally, the answer has been "4 percent." That means if you have $1 million saved for retirement, you can live on $40,000 per year (4 percent) and have a high likelihood of not outliving your money.

But these days, some people are advocating 3 percent as a safer withdrawal rate. That means a person with $1 million saved for retirement will live on $30,000 per year.

Learn about this new idea in the article above, and share your thoughts in the forum!

Beyond Tuition: The Cost of College

Saturday April 28, 2012
college costs

How much will college cost? While the tuition might create sticker-shock, many families are surprized to learn that the biggest non-tuition expenses associated with college often come in the form of the basic cost of living. From cars to clothes to computers, the things you need for day-to-day living add up to a hefty sum.

Learn about it in my latest article, More Than Tuition: The Cost of College. Then share your favorite college frugality stories in the forum!

Six Costs Associated With Aging

Friday April 27, 2012
Unexpected retirement costs

Too many people assume that their expenses in retirement will be the same as their expenses today. Some assume they'll need far less, since they won't have a mortgage payment anymore.

Unfortunately, that's not always the case. Here are six costs that you might get hit with when you're a senior citizen. These expenses can derail your retirement budget, so make sure you're prepared!

Check out the list, and leave your own retirement-planning advice in the forum.

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