1. Home & Garden

Top 5 Steam Mops

Steam mops are a great environmentally friendly option that really cleans and disinfects floors. Find out which steam mops are the best for your home.

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Housekeeping Spotlight10

Before You Buy Green Cleaning Supplies

Monday May 7, 2012

A friend of mine sent me a frantic email asking how she could figure out which green cleaning supplies to buy. She has a brand new baby and was hoping to learn some new tips for cleaning without fumes and chemicals.  It's easy for manufacturers to claim that their products are clean, but how can you really tell?


Preventing Bugs

Monday May 7, 2012

My son's birthday is coming up this week. All he wants for his birthday is a set of robotic insects.  I can live with those, but the real life kind...no thanks.  If you are looking for a way to prevent bugs in your home, these tips can help.

Tide Pods Review

Sunday April 29, 2012

Several weeks ago when I was grocery shopping I decided to pick up a 77 count package of the new Tide Pods. I knew I had enough laundry to put Tide to the test. I loved the idea of not having to measure out any laundry detergent. And to be honest, these little packs of laundry detergent in gel pack form were pretty and promising. Nearly 70 loads later and the results are in. So how did my Tide Pods review turn out? And how will it work with your laundry?

Readers Review: Laundry Detergent

Sunday April 29, 2012

Okay, readers!  We want to know.  What is the best laundry detergent you've ever used?  Or is there one you wouldn't recommend to your worst enemy?  Have you tried anything new lately?  Or maybe you have an old standby laundry detergent that never fails?  Time to share your wisdom with fellow readers by posting a short review of your laundry detergent.

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