1. Money

The content below was selected by the About.com Editorial Staff and is solely under About.com's editorial control.

Start a Small Business

There are a lot of questions to consider before starting your small business. We'll step you through each one to help your business succeed. More >

More on Small Business

Tips For Difficult Financial Times

Financing Your Business

Starting a small business or looking for money to grow one? Consider these creative sources of financing. More >

Recession-Proof Small Businesses Ideas

It's always hard starting a business. Here are some ideas during shaky times. More >

Start a Restaurant

It may seem glamourous but is it a lot of work?

The Tech You Need

Remember, you're also the IT deptartment.

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Long Term Success

Tips and advice for taking your business to the next level.

Think You're Ready?

You'll need more than a great idea to start a small business.

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