
Sarah Palin On Paul Revere Ride: I Didn't Get History Wrong (VIDEO)

First Posted: 06/05/11 12:23 PM ET Updated: 08/05/11 06:12 AM ET

Sarah Palin Paul Revere Fox News

WASHINGTON (AP/The Huffington Post) -- Sarah Palin says she didn't mess up her history on Paul Revere.

The potential 2012 presidential candidate was in Boston on Thursday as part of her bus tour when she was asked about the Revolutionary War hero.

Palin said Revere "warned the British that they weren't gonna be takin' away our arms."

Palin, a paid Fox News contributor, told "Fox News Sunday" that she was correct. She says there were British soldiers in the area for years before Revere's legendary ride, and that he was warning them, as well as his fellow colonists.

"Part of his ride was to warn the British that were already there that 'hey, you're not going to take American arms, you are not going to beat our own well-armed persons individual private militia that we have.'"

She blamed her previous answer on the media, saying it was a "gotcha question."

The Paul Revere House's website says that on April 18, 1775, Dr. Joseph Warren instructed Revere to ride to Lexington, Mass., to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that British troops were marching to arrest them.

Watch Palin speak about Revere at the Old North Church in Boston:

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WASHINGTON (AP/The Huffington Post) -- Sarah Palin says she didn't mess up her history on Paul Revere. The potential 2012 presidential candidate was in Boston on Thursday as part of her bus tour wh...
WASHINGTON (AP/The Huffington Post) -- Sarah Palin says she didn't mess up her history on Paul Revere. The potential 2012 presidential candidate was in Boston on Thursday as part of her bus tour wh...
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scjk67 02:58 PM on 06/06/2011
SP is trying too hard to pretend that she is intellegent and she should just drop it, but not so with people who has Nar cissisic Peronality Disorder. Even Bill O 'Reilly said that SP has no knowledge on any subject nor does she ever listen to are the symptoms of NPD. Narcissistic personality disorder symptoms may include: --Believing that you're better than others --Fantasizing about power,  Read More...
04:41 PM on 06/22/2011
Hannity was on the radio trying to tell a caller that what Palin said wasn't wrong. We all know that if a liberal and esspecially Obama or Palosi said the same thing Hannity and Rush would be talking about it for days saying how stupid it was.
08:26 PM on 06/19/2011
This woman is ridiculous. Is EVERY question a "gotcha" question with this woman?
04:34 PM on 07/05/2011
Except it's already been confirmed that Palin was right about Paul Revere. "Gotcha question" or not, she answered it correctly:
12:34 PM on 06/12/2011
Didn't Palin attend community college? Might explain some of her ignorance of history.
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11:38 AM on 06/11/2011
"Screaming the "British are coming" at the top of your lungs when up to 20 percent of the population are loyal to the crown is a good way to get busted. He did quietly warn other men, but whispering your warning is a lot slower than shouting it from horseback. To get the drop on the British, they need an estimated 40 people to take part in "Revere's" ride. The only two other names we know are William Dawes and Samuel Prescott, and the latter only took part because they ran into him "returning from a lady friend's house at the awkward hour of 1 a.m."

Another thing that slows you down when warning of a potential invasion is stopping, and having a beer. Yep, the three men took a break from starting America by stopping at a pub, where some British sentries decided to investigate these patriotic ne'er-do-wells. Dawes and Prescott led the sentries on two exciting chases through the woods, both managing to evade capture and reach the towns they were supposed to warn. Revere? Well, he gave up without a fight at the pub. Of the 40 people involved in the operation, we know about three, and Revere was the least heroic of the group. But because his name is easier to rhyme, we celebrate his achievements instead of the guys who actually completed their rides."
I support Elizabeth Warren
09:23 PM on 06/12/2011
Your post is not historically accurate. Here are a couple of sites that reference actual historical documents.
Of course you can pay me in gum!
01:13 AM on 06/11/2011
2012 Debate: "Governor, could you please tell us your position on the State of Israel?" "Oh golly, another 'gotcha' question.Well, I think all the states should lower their taxes. Oh, and Israel's Governor should get tough on illegal immigrants."
03:01 PM on 06/10/2011
I hate that "gotcha and YOU betcha stuff. I think she is illiterate and needs a little more college educating.
02:09 PM on 06/10/2011
Okay, so now we heard what sarah Palin said, how about asking Pres. Obama his side of the story?
I say lets ask jack webb (dragnet)" just the facts".....well I guess we really aren't sure since none of us was there, so any story could be true or false. So there is no right and wrong answers, so I say Sarh Palin is correct. LOL
11:28 PM on 06/09/2011
Yet another historian says she got it right

NPR - All things considered.
Re-animating the dead since 1922
01:06 PM on 06/10/2011
Stick a fork in her -- she's done.
11:23 PM on 06/10/2011
He isn't really saying that she got it right -- only that some of her "tale" resembles a few of the facts. That's called coincidence.

And actually, he's about the only historian who has said anything like this. . .
10:03 PM on 06/09/2011
Sarah P. is a nice lady. She is pretty. She smiles a lot and she knows how to hunt. I like her.
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“Écraser l'infamie!”
09:48 PM on 06/09/2011
This shows how little Sarah Palin thinks of our intelligence.
If she were smarter, I'd be insulted.
06:23 PM on 06/09/2011
American People Know that lamestrean stream media want to destroy Our LEADER and Next USA President, Sarah Pal!n, because She is The Only LEADER who can BEAT Obama Next Year to BECOME President of USA in 2013....But Lamesstream media Do NOT Know that Sarah Pal!n gets stronger with each attack from them to her ....
07:18 PM on 06/09/2011
Aw geez, man, you got some bad stuff. Don't take the Orange Sunshine, man -- it's a bad trip. When you come down, you might be all right. . .

Maybe. . .
Richard Greenman
12:03 PM on 06/10/2011
Been smokin moose dung again?
04:54 PM on 06/09/2011
Palin's supporters are so gullible. When asked to extempoaneously explain what she learned and would take away from her visit, she went into one of her nervous, rambling monologues. It was no different than a college kid writing a long, wordy paper and basically rewording the same theme in a number of different variations, hoping the Professor will be impressed with the length...which of course, they never are. I remember when college classmates, who hadn't read the assigned material, were called upon by the Professor. A few admitted they hadn't read the material, but most would try to nervously "wing it". The Professors (along with fellow classmates) always knew it

Sunday, when told by Chris Wallace that her "Paul Revere" comment was botched, Palin was obviously more confident and ready to defend her earlier blunder. Palin obviously consulted someone to come-up with a scenario where her earler explanation might be construed as plausible. And of course, her core followers (not being particularly educated) "bought it" and feel she has been vindicated.

Knowing that Palin, as part of a speaking engagement contract, demands to be supplied with all questions prior to her "spontaneous" Q & A sessions, this latest episode should be no surprise. It's vintage Sarah Palin. As long as her ardent supporters are satisfied, she's fine. They're the ones responsible for her continued fame and accumulation of wealth. Like Beck, Palin relies on the ignorance of her supporters.
03:44 AM on 06/10/2011
It's funny how you Palin bashers never stop to think that she was answering a question about what she learned there. Let me say that again; what she LEARNED there. Not what she already knew about Revere from history classes, but what she learned that was new to her. She was not answering the question, "what was the focal point of Paul Revere's ride?" With that in mind, her answer was quite correct.

As to the Beck thing, it seems rather odd that someone that does a ridiculous number of television shows dedicated to teaching the real history of the U.S., is relying on people's ignorance. He constantly tells his viewers to do their own homework, so that they can find the truth for themselves, and continually admonishes them not take anything he says at face value. How exactly does that equate to relying on the ignorance of his supporters?
Ken Overholt
06:40 PM on 06/10/2011
OK, so they asked her what she learned there. Apparently she was sleeping in the back of the bus during the entire guide's speech and tried to make something up as no way in Hell did anyone associated with Boston tours state that Revere was riding to warn the British. By the way, how do you like my picture? It is from my most recent visit to Boston. I changed my profile pic to it in honor of Sarah's revisionist history.
10:17 PM on 06/10/2011
You need not be an apologist for Palin. Are you kidding me? Never mind, I already know the answer. The fact that you feel the need to explain the "context" in which Palin was asked the question about Paul Revere is hilarious and a little scary. Her answer was absurd. She stretched the limits of Paul Revere's intentions beyond the breaking point but evidently, it was just enough to convince her loyal fans. I'm sure many Palin fans were none the wiser until it became an issue.
As for Beck, he's obviously going to tell you to "look it up for yourselves", and then tell you where to look it up. He hooked you guys by claiming to be "just a regular guy, searching for the truth". He then cherry-picks certain historical facts that seem to back up his claims, knowing that his audience is even less informed that he is. He leads you to the material to read, knowing that you have not studied history "in toto". His "blackboard logic" is ridiculous. He seems to have things all tied-in together to give the appearance that is/was some conspiracy. His facts are skewed, his logic is flawed and his conclusions are absurd. Of course, I'm sure his tears are enough to convince anyone (at least those who lack both objectivity and a good education). Enjoy GBTV.
pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo
04:20 PM on 06/09/2011
Lots of dumb out there in the United States of Jesus. Sister Sarah has cashed in with her dog whistle.
02:53 PM on 06/09/2011
I would vote for Palin simply because the rabid nitwits oppose her.
03:50 AM on 06/10/2011
I'm totally with you on that one. My favorite candidate at this point is Herman Cain, but I'd love to see Palin become President just because the rabid leftists would lose their freaking minds. Hey, maybe they'd actually follow through on their threats to leave the country. It would be such a big loss to the nation to see them go, I know. Somehow I think I'd live over it though.
01:44 PM on 06/09/2011
I want to see Bechmann's and Palin's birth certificates. Nobody could know as little as they know about America and still be US citizens.
Of course you can pay me in gum!
12:47 AM on 06/11/2011
Maybe she was born in the Russia she could see from her house.