
Top Stories

Nintendo to revamp 3DS handheld
22 June 2012

In July, Nintendo will start selling a version of its 3DS handheld gaming console that has screens almost twice the size of existing models.

Office printers hit by PC virus
22 June 2012

Thousands of office printers around the world have been spewing out page after page of gibberish thanks to a computer virus.

Gigapixel camera snaps sharp pics
21 June 2012

A gigapixel camera capable of creating images with "unprecedented detail" is developed in the US and could eventually become a consumer product.

MEP vote rejects piracy treaty
21 June 2012

A key European committee has rejected Acta, which many see as the end of the road for the controversial anti-piracy treaty.

Apple told to pay Samsung damages
21 June 2012

A Dutch court has ordered Apple to pay damages to rival Samsung Electronics for infringing a patent held by the South Korean firm.

Oracle chief buys Hawaiian island
21 June 2012

Larry Ellison, the chief executive of technology giant Oracle, is to buy 98% of Lanai, the Hawaiian island, the governor of the Pacific US state said.

Pirate Bay 'breaches' BT block
22 June 2012

BT joins other UK internet service providers (ISPs) in blocking access to The Pirate Bay, a ban the group says users have already circumvented.

Features & Analysis

Turing was defiant until death

Alan Turing was unashamed about being gay but the codebreaking genius died in 1954 after consuming cyanide - an act many have linked to his persecution for being a homosexual, writes his biographer Andrew Hodges.

Blade Runner: What has come true?

It's been 30 years since the release of cult film Blade Runner, and it's 10 since Minority Report. But what elements of the films have come to pass?