Order Status

Checking Order Status

If you have placed an order with CafePress.com you can check the current status of your order by signing into your account and viewing your Order History. You may sign in using the form at the right.

Tracking Packages

If your order has shipped, you can track your shipment by clicking directly on the "Track" button next to your order details on your Order History page. You can also check the estimated arrival dates of your order on your Order Detail page. Sign in using the form at the right to access this information.

Most packages in your order can be tracked via our carriers' websites. It may take up to 1 business day for your information to be posted on the carrier's website (from the date your order is shipped).

Please note:

  • Order History summaries do not include post-shipping transactions such as returns or price-adjustments.
  • At this time we cannot provide tracking information for international shipments.
  • Order tracking is available for orders placed within the last 60 days.

If we have a question about your order, we will contact you by phone or email. Likewise, if you have any questions or changes to your order, please call us at 1-877-809-1659 or email us.

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Order History

Please note: Order History summaries do not include post-shipping transactions such as returns or price-adjustments.