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Department of Law
The Law department offers a wide range of courses designed to provide students with the intellectual and analytical tools to intervene critically and effectively in the global policy debates confronting their societies as policy makers, practicing lawyers, judges, academics, activists and international civil servants. These courses are incorporated in flexible curricula, allowing students to pursue advanced studies in specialized areas on the basis of their own academic and professional interests including international human rights law, Islamic law and Middle Eastern legal systems, gender studies, law and development, international economic law and business regulation. The curricula are also flexible in that they allow alternative admission options to accommodate students’ preferences and constraints. Accordingly, students interested in pursuing graduate studies in law can choose among the following options corresponding to different levels of commitment in time and money:

  Estimated Duration  Academic Requirements  Cost
Course Certificate One semester  Up to three courses  Pay tuition equivalent to the number of credit hours taken
 Graduate Diploma  Two semesters  18 credit hours
No thesis requirement
 Pay tuition equivalent to 18 credit hours
 Master's Degree  Four semesters  27 credit hours in addition to a thesis reqirement  Pay tuition equivalent to 27 credit hours in addition to a three-credit thesis
Scholarships are available

Supreme Constitutional Court in Egypt