National Library of Australia

Microfilm masters

Latest news

5 Million Newspaper Pages!

As of this week, we’re delivering 5 Million newspaper pages through the Trove. Thanks to our supporters, State and Territory Libraries and groups who have contributed content to the service (more information on how to contribute content can be found here).

30 Million Article Milestone reached

In late October, the NDP overtook the 30 Million articles mark. These articles come from over 3 million newspaper pages.

20 Million Article milestone reached

This major milestone and marks the half-way point to the 40 million articles (from over 4 million newspaper pages) that the National Library is digitising and making freely available to the public as part of the Australian Newspaper Digitisation Program, due for completion in July 2011.

The article mentioned above is available here.

The Sydney Morning Herald now available!

Sydney Morning Herald issues from 1831 - 1954 are now publicly available. (The Sydney Herald 1831-1842 and The Sydney Morning Herald 1842-1954). We are currently digitising 3,500 missing issues (now found) from the run and these will be made available in mid 2010.

Australian Newspapers included in new 'Trove' service

Australian Newspapers is being integrated into the Library's Trove service. Trove provides a single access point to over 90 million resources of different types which can be searched simultaneously. More information about the integration here.

Crowdsourcing - public correct 12.5 million lines of text!

9000+ members of the public have corrected 12.5 million lines of newspaper text so far. A big thank you to all those people! The electronically translated text is often poor quality and needing improvement. If you improve the text it makes the text search better for everyone. Help join in with this activity. It is easy, fun and addictive.

Queenslander becoming available

The latest title to become available is the Queenslander.

The Melbourne Argus 1846-1945 complete

The Argus  (and its previous title the Melbourne Argus) from 1846 - 1945 are now completed and available. The remaining 10 years (1945-1954) of the Argus will be made available in 2010 (mid to end of year).

Inclusion in Google News Archive

Articles from the service have been harvested and are available from the Google News Archive Search.





About the program

The National Library of Australia, in collaboration the Australian State and Territory libraries, began a
program in March 2007 to digitise out of copyright newspapers.

In July 2008 the Australian Newspapers was released to the public. This is a free online service that enables full-text searching of newspaper articles. The service includes newspapers published in each state and territory from the 1800s to the mid-1950s, when copyright applies. The first Australian newspaper, published in Sydney in 1803, is included in the service. By 2011 the service will comprise 40 million searchable articles.

Frequently asked questions.




Last updated Friday 17-Feb-2012

Interesting Things

In the Media




Related links

Search Australian digital content in Trove

The Australian Women's Weekly Digitisation Project

The Australian Newspaper Plan - ANPlan

Cover of Australia's first published newspaper, The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 5 March 1803.  Click to access this newspaper online.