
DuraSpace resources are provided to help you find out more about DuraSpace technologies, hot topics, communities and service providers. You can share what you learn with others using our marketing materials, web seminar recordings, publications and by contacting our Registered Service Providers.

DuraSpace Corporate Profile
Download the DuraSpace corporate profile for an overview of the organization at-a-glance: mission, business model, technologies, markets, users by type, competition, key institutional users, strategic partnerships and DSpace and Fedora growth.

Marketing Materials
If you use our technologies please consider adding a DuraSpace logo to your web site or printed materials. If you need a logo in a different size or format please contact us and we will be happy to provide it.

Our fliers and brochures are easy-to-use evaluation tools that will help you share and explain DuraSpace open technology storage, management, preservation, and dissemination features to your community. DuraSpace open technologies spec sheets are convenient hand-outs for informational meetings and events.

Web Seminars, Events
Web seminar topics range from hands-on how-to workshops, to technology updates,  community highlights and trends.

DuraSpace Digest is a monthly newsletter featuring items gathered from the DuraSpace Blog that include Fedora Repository, DSpace and DuraCloud news and more. You may subscribe to the RSS from this blog, and/or receive a monthly DuraSpace Blog Digest via email by subscribing to the DSpace general list: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/dspace-general; the Fedora users list: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/fedora-commons-users; or the DuraCloud list: http://groups.google.com/group/duracloud-dev.

Contact Director of Marketing & Communications Carol Minton Morris (cmmorris@duraspace.org) to contribute news or blog posts.

Registered Service Provider Program
Registered Service Providers have made an investment in DuraSpace technologies and a commitment to work cooperatively with the DuraSpace organization to best serve the community of users.

If you would like to become an RSP, please fill out this form, and you will be contacted.