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Strategic leadership Management Area

Strategic leadership Management Area

Specialize in strategic Management public policy of the institution (College Specialized) building plans that determine the general direction of the institution (College). The main documents in the index are the work plan as it is called also the Management strategic plan, Management development plan, or plan of Management participatory.
We arranged to build the strategic management Plan at the beginning of each academic year, taking into account the strategic dimension to it (strategic Management Ideas) based on the following three Major Titles:
  1. Where are we now?
  2. Where do we want to reach?
  3. How can we reach what we want as a standard institution?

As specialized and consultant education staff we should include the following indicators:
  1. Plan Vision
  2. Plan Mission
  3. Plan Objectives to be achieved
  4. Performance indicators next to the priorities and resources required to implement the plan
  5. The key element in building the plan is the needs of learners, and the work plan should include all the indicators that make up the overall quality.

Program Objectives:

  1. Preparation of development plan or a strategy based on the results of the priorities of the self-assessment.
  2. Preparation of operational plans and operational data in same line with the strategic plan.
    1. Target group: (High Command - Central Command)
    2. For the application of the program: two to three months mean time is needed