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10/02/12 Ray McGovern


Retired CIA analyst Ray McGovern discusses his article “Netanyahu Backs Off on Iran;” why AIPAC no longer seems like an unstoppable lobbying force in DC; WINEP director Patrick Clawson’s surprisingly candid suggestions on manufacturing a war with Iran; why Obama might push for Palestinian rights during a second term; and Ray’s interesting meeting with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

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  • Nuttyahoo is the classic bully: the minute he gets challenged he backs down.

    IDF is also a laughingstock. When was the last time they won a war, esp a war without the end being fixed in their favor by a secret pact against Syria.

    IDF can’t even stand up to a ragtag buncho Hezzies. All they can do is bomb unarmed civilians in Gaza.

    BTW that Syria invasion ain’t working out so well, either. Ditto Libya.

  • There’s still a posssibility of war. The Iranian economy is badly fractured because of the sanctions, the sabotage and the special ops are still going on, and the neocon agents are still burrowing throughout our government and plotting for more destruction. I hope Ray is right and I value his perspective. It’s always instructive to listen to him.

  • Q to Nat: What is the language of the last holly book?..READ

    A from The Khalifah: Arabia is for the Quraneyoon.

  • “If killing were a solution, human beings would today
    be living in a dull planet – univocal, monoculture,
    monochromatic and devoid of diversity.”

    Above is the opening thought in this article, a misguided effort to mix pleasure with morality based upon the false assumption that the purpose of this world is to achieve equality by pursuing a pleasurable morality.

    Comes now truth to be quite the reverse, for all this killer drone terrorism and brutal imperialism is allowed to continue to show the impossibility of ever achieving equality — by exposing all the inherent corruption in equality.

    For brains like sex-appeal pass from father to son, which means that the rich will for eternity always be the ones who generate the wealth and we laboring-men the ones who by hard manual labor produce all the wealth.

    For so long as society is governed by this fake morality called equality, it being nothing more than mutual gratification, a class warfare shall rage between High Society, the Country Club-class, Intelligent Middle-class and Laboring-class.

    Surely a mutual gratification totally void of the compassion, pity and charity needed to produce a heartwarming grateful response. Surely nothing more than equals giving gifts to equals in their class and expecting equal in return. For it is written,

    “If you love those who love you,
    what credit is that? Do not pagans
    and tax collectors do that?”

  • NuttyYahoo–that warmongering, degenerate Zionist sonofabitch–ought to be committed. Why the U.S. Government panders to the Zionist entity is something that future historians will be struggling to sort out. . . .

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