
Prophets or Partisans?

FORWARD EDITORIAL: Hundreds of pastors are expected to openly violate the law this Sunday and preach politics from the pulpit. Faith should be more prophetic than partisan.Read More

Mulling Over Monica

By Jane Eisner

Monica Lewinsky’s coming memoir should fill Jews with dread. She embodies the worst stereotype of a narcissistic princess who wreaked havoc on the nation, Jane Eisner writes.Read More

The Words Do Matter

FORWARD EDITORIAL: The parties’ platforms reflect their philosophies. Both parties have shifted rightward on domestic issues since 1980, but the GOP has taken a sharper turn.Read More

Video Madness

FORWARD EDITORIAL: The video deriding Muslims that allegedly sparked violence in Libya and Egypt is crude, mean, and amateurish. Freedom demands it can only be countered with more speech — not violence and certainly not murder.Read More

Israel on the Ballot

FORWARD EDITORIAL: It’s an unwritten rule that Israeli leaders stay away from American elections. Benjamin Netanyahu has come perilously close to breaking that tradition.Read More

Our Forgotten Defenders

FORWARD EDITORIAL: The sorrowful tally of Jewish service members slain in Afghanistan and Iraq has grown to 50. We as a community should mourn their loss and honor their service.Read More

What About Working Women?

FORWARD EDITORIAL: Both First Lady Michelle Obama and Ann Romney made eloquent convention speeches. But why did neither one have much to say about working women?Read More

Too Many Secrets

FORWARD EDITORIAL: If some Americans spend obscene amounts of money to influence the outcome on Election Day, the rest of us deserve to know who they are.Read More

A Bitter End

FORWARD EDITORIAL: bitterlemons was an online venue for conversation about the Mideast conflict. It shut down because there is little room for debate and less hope for peace.Read More

Do No Harm

FORWARD EDITORIAL: Parental consent forms for metzitzah b’peh are necessary. Our Jewish traditions must be flexible enough to protect the health of our children.Read More


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