
  1. There is truly a heroic amount of mind-blowingly stupid stuff being said by most sides of Egypt's political divide.

  2. RT There's good confusion and bad confusion. Let's lose the bad confusion. Actually, let's lose all the confusion.

  3. So FISA "court" allowing invasion of our privacy is 1. secret 2. hearing only govt 3. hand-picked to defer to govt

  4. Confidential : train 2167 now stuck in tunnel for 3 hrs. No lights. No air. No hope. Could you, ya know, DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS?

  5. Have spent last 90mins entombed in Acela under Baltimore. No AC. Last of alcohol sold. Everyone drunk/mutinous.

  6. "You are NEX!!" RT : VERY EXCITED to announce I'll be taking over the role of Chong Li in the new Bloodsport reboot!!!”

  7. hey thank you! I'm so glad. Am set for research for now, but very much appreciate the offer and may reach out down the line.

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