“American Mosaic” is Reuters’ unique campaign polling initiative for 2012, executed in partnership with Ipsos. The project targets seven demographic groups of special interest in this presidential race.

Southern whites troubled by Romney's wealth, religion

Sheryl Harris poses for a photograph in Lynchburg, Virginia September 7, 2012. Harris, 52, voted twice for George W. Bush. Raised Baptist, she is convinced- despite all evidence to the contrary - that Barack Obama, a practicing Christian, is Muslim. So in this year's Presidential election, will she support Mitt Romney? Not a chance. Picture taken September 7, 2012. REUTERS/Parker Michels-Boyce

With only a sliver of the electorate in play, white lower- and middle-income voters could be a deciding factor in southern swing states. But Reuters/Ipsos polling data shows that Mitt Romney's high net worth and Mormon faith could signal trouble for his campaign in these traditionally Republican areas.  Full Story 


Big Bird to Obama: Take down your TV ad

Big Bird, a bright yellow protagonist of children's television show "Sesame Street," wants out of his role in a nationwide television advertisement for President Barack Obama's re-election campaign.

About this series

“American Mosaic” is Reuters’ unique campaign polling initiative for 2012, executed in partnership with Ipsos. The online polling effort, whose methodology has been statistically validated, will reach 12,000 Americans each month, more than 120,000 by Election Day, constituting an unprecedented sample of the U.S. electorate. The “micro-polling” project, effectively a poll within a poll, targets 10 demographic groups of special interest in this presidential race. Each of the targeted groups will be the subject of in-depth reporting as well as photojournalism and video, resulting in a multidimensional portrait of these critical communities. Profiled here is the first of them, military veterans and the families of veterans who have served since the first Persian Gulf War.