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Our Associates

Our theme’s increasing popularity has created the need to find capable, reliable and trustworthy developers that would take over installation, set-up and redesign requests in order for us to focus on supporting and further developing our themes.

When you fill-out the Installations & Custom Work form your email request will reach one of our associate developers.

Meet the Auxiliary Team!

Sascha Lupeski

Focuses on: Theme installations, set-ups & basic design and layout modifications. Assists with Support.

Ben legate

Focuses on: Custom theme designs, theme installations, theme modifications, web design, graphic design, social media marketing, email marketing, web hosting.

Robert Chittock

Focuses on: Theme redesigns and new website development. Also, offers Hosting services.

Ben Waymark

Focuses on: Ben is a LAMP (Linux/Apache/mySQL/PHP) programming specialist with over ten years industry experience. He is currently specialising in WordPress application development.

Liz Chase

Focuses on: Theme customization & image modifications, instruction to client on theme use, and code development.

Nicole Lambrou

Focuses on: Theme installation, re-design and customization, and hosting services.