Amy O'Leary

Amy O'Leary


NYT Reporter interested in tech+culture. Former web editor/multimedia/radio producer. Tweets are reporting fragments, digital journalism ideas, ephemera.

New York ·


  1. Idea for during pledge drives: when someone donates, provide password to site where she can stream without any calls to pledge.

  2. At said how cyber attacks from China are a major problem for her company now. Audience barely reacted. New normal?

  3. . has a huge problem with cyberterrorism, who wants to see a web-series on that hacker?

  4. Young editor needs 1st & foremost is gut sense for a great story. Strong multimedia tech experience 2nd

  5. A: Julie Larson Green: heard all the complaints, but "we believe in people's ability to learn and change." re: Windows 8 design. (2 of 2)

  6. Q:"there's a lot of haters for windows 8... what might you change?" to Julie Larson Green, of Microsoft's windows (1 of 2)

  7. .'s talks lists vs. slideshows. He says lists are a better user experience and a better revenue opp

  8. . saw traffic spike during Boston bombings before posted anything on it — ppl were looking for the news fast

  9. . says "People don't care about foreign news until something happens, then they care to a huge extent"

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