Last Update 10:22
UNAIDS launches short film competition to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS in Egypt
The UN body will be receiving short film submissions until 31 December 2012
Ahram Online, Tuesday 23 Oct 2012
Views: 174

UNAIDS, the United Nations body that deals with HIV/AIDS, along with other UN agencies, has launched an open call for participants to make a seven minute film on the topic of HIV/AIDS.

The competition invites participants to make films especially for the cause, with the theme "What should you know about HIV/AIDS?" with the aim of raising awareness about the facts of the disease as well as challenging social and cultural stereotypes about patients.

The competition opened for film submissions on 22 October and will close on 31 December 2012.

The competition judges will include Egyptian actors Khaled Abu El-Naga and Menna Shalaby, as well as Amr Salama, who directed the 2011 film "Asmaa" which aimed to raise awareness of the stigmas infected people face in Egyptian society.

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