• CV


ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION: Political Ideologies and Political Parties in America (more details below) Cambridge University Press

The Party Decides: Presidential Nominations Before and After Reform
2008. With Marty Cohen, David Karol and John Zaller (University of Chicago Press)
Request replication materials.


Throughout the contest for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination, politicians and voters alike worried that the outcome might depend on the preferences of unelected superdelegates. This concern threw into relief the prevailing notion that—such unusually competitive cases notwithstanding—people, rather than parties, should and do control presidential nominations. But for the past several decades, The Party Decides shows, unelected insiders in both major parties have effectively selected candidates long before citizens reached the ballot box.

Tracing the evolution of presidential nominations since the 1790s, this volume demonstrates how party insiders have sought since America’s founding to control nominations as a means of getting what they want from government. Contrary to the common view that the party reforms of the 1970s gave voters more power, the authors contend that the most consequential contests remain the candidates’ fights for prominent endorsements and the support of various interest groups and state party leaders. These invisible primaries produce frontrunners long before most voters start paying attention, profoundly influencing final election outcomes and investing parties with far more nominating power than is generally recognized.




A Theory of Political Parties: Groups, Policy Demands and Nominations in American Politics
2012. With Kathleen Bawn, Marty Cohen, David Karol, Seth Masket and John Zaller. Perspectives on Politics. Vol. 10. No. 3.

Tea Party Influence: A Story of Activists and Elites
2012. With Michael Bailey and Jonathan Mummolo. American Politics Research.

Which Long Coalition: The Creation of the Anti-Slavery Coalition
forthcoming. Party Politics.

The Coalition Merchants: The Ideological Roots of the Civil Rights Realignment
2012. Journal of Politics Vol. 74, No. 1, pp. 156-173.


Over the course of the twentieth century, the Democratic and Republican parties have reversed positions on racial issues. This reversal is credited to a variety of factors, chief among them strategic decisions on the part of party leaders competing for votes. An original dataset of the opinions expressed by political thinkers in leading magazines and newspapers is used to develop a measure of ideological positions parallel to NOMINATE scores for members of Congress. Results show that the current ideological pattern, in which racial and economic liberalism are aligned together, emerged among political intellectuals at least 20 years before it appeared in congressional voting. The finding is consistent with the view that ideology shapes party coalitions.

Request replication materials.


Serving Two Masters: Using Referenda to Assess the Relationship between Voters and Legislators
2012. (Available online March 2, 2011.) With Seth Masket. Political Research Quarterly.

The "Unfriending Problem": The Consequences of Friendship Attrition for Causal Estimates of Social Influence
2011. (Available online June16, 2011.) With Brendan Nyhan. Social Networks. Vol. 33. No. 3. 211-218

Cooperative Party Factions in American Politics
2010. With Gregory Koger and Seth Masket. American Politics Research: Vol. 38 No. 1 pp. 33-53.

Partisan Webs: Information Exchange and Party Networks
2009. With Gregory Koger and Seth Masket. British Journal of Political Science: Vol. 39 pp. 633–6537.



Ten Things Political Scientists Know that You Don't
2010. The Forum. Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 1-19, ISSN (Online) 1540-8884, DOI: 10.2202/1540-8884.1393, October 2010


Review of The Dynamics of Two-Party Politics: Party Structures and the Management of Competition, by Alan Ware
Political Science Quarterly Vol. 125, No. 3. pp. 515-517.

Methodological Issues in the Study of Political Parties 2010. The Oxford Handbook of American Political Parties and Interest Groups. L. Sandy Maisel and Jeffrey M. Berry, eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 57-76

Listening to the Coalition Merchants: Measuring the Intellectual Influence of Academic Scribblers
2007. The Forum: Vol. 5 : No. 3, Article 7.

Political Parties in Rough Weather
2007. With Marty Cohen, David Karol and John Zaller. The Forum. Vol.5, No.4, Article 3.

The Invisible Primary in Presidential Nominations, 1980-2004
2007. With Marty Cohen, David Karol and John Zaller
in The Making of the Presidential Candidates, 2008. William Mayer, ed. Rowman and Littlefield.

Pols or Polls? The Real Driving Force Behind Presidential Nominations
2003. With Marty Cohen, David Karol and John Zaller Brookings Review. Summer 2003 Vol.21 No.3 pp. 36-39



A Theory of Political Parties
(With Kathleen Bawn, Marty Cohen, David Karol, Seth Makset and John Zaller)

This paper is under review.


This paper offers a theory of political parties that places interest groups and activists at its center. This is a departure from standard theories, which have politicians at the center. As we theorize them, parties no longer compete to win elections by giving voters the policies voters want. Rather, as coalitions of intense policy demanders, they have their own agendas and aim to get voters to go along.

Don't Look to a Third Party Candidate
2011. with Seth Masket. op-ed in the Los Angeles Times. August 11, 2011.

A Social Networks Analysis of Internal Party Cleavages in Presidential Nominations, 1972-2008

Presidential nomination politics has often revealed schisms within the party coalitions. But are these divisions long-standing or temporary? Do they reflect a chaotic party or a coordinating one? I use a dataset of more than 8000 presidential nomination endorsements from 1972 to 2008 to identify the network of support in the nominating party, as well as the key players in that dynamic. I then apply social networks analysis techniques, including exponential random graph models, to explain those networks. Analysis gives insight into who is important, what groups are stable, and what characteristics lead them to act together

From George McGovern to John Kerry: State-level models of presidential primaries, 1972-2004
(With Marty Cohen and John Zaller) (Presented at APSA 2003 and MPSA 2004, APSA 2010)

After the 1968 Democratic convention, a series of reforms were put into practice for presidential nominations that fundamentally changed the way we nominate candidates for that office. Initial analysis of the process (see esp. Bartels 1982) suggested that dynamic factors such as momentum dominate the process. We apply a set of common models of both dynamic and static factors to all presidential primary contests since the McGovern-Fraser reforms. We attempt to detect momentum effects but also the effects of ideological positioning, money, media and elite endorsements. Our model also accounts for the multi-candidate nature of these races in ways that earlier work has not. We discover that the notion of momentum has changed considerably since Carter first demonstrated its impact, and that today it tends to favor the insider rather than helping unknowns leap to prominence.

Without a Watchdog: The Effect of Quality News Coverage on Congressional Polarization
(With Marty Cohen and John Zaller) (Presented at APSA 2003, WPSA 2004, APSA 2004)

We consider the relationship between quality media coverage of members of Congress and the nature of representation. We find that were media coverage is of "high quality" (using a variety of measures), voters appear to exercise a delegate model of representation, in which MC's voting behavior closely maps constituent preferences. But where coverage is poor, voters may not have the information needed to hold MC's accountable, and those members operate under a responsible party government model, in which MC's voting behavior follows the party line. We test several implications of the mechanisms implied by this explanation of the empirical pattern.


The following 5 papers are parts of a developing book project, based on my dissertation, on the relationship between ideology and party coalitions. That manuscript is under review.

Sample Chapter 5

The Coalition Merchants: Testing the Power of Ideas on the Civil Rights Movement.
(A version of paper has been published in Journal of Politics)

Do ideas matter in party agendas? I test the proposition that the way that ideologies organize issues exerts an influence on the way that party leaders construct coalitions. Over the course of the 20th century, the Democratic and Republican parties have reversed positions on racial issues. This reversal is credited to a variety of factors, chief among them strategic decisions on the part of party leaders competing for votes. Using an original dataset of the opinions expressed by political thinkers in leading magazines and newspapers, I develop a measure of ideological positions parallel to NOMINATE scores for members of Congress. With this measure, I trace the transformation of ideological attitudes toward race. I show that the reversal of the Democrats and Republicans in congressional voting is preceded by a similar reversal, several decades earlier, of liberals and conservatives in the intellectual sphere.

Ideology, Party and the Creation of the Anti-Slavery Coalition
(This paper won the POP award for best paper at the APSA meeting 2005, and has been published in Party Politics)

How should we understand the relationship between ideology and party? Ideology may be thought of as a description of a party's agenda, created to justify its electoral coalition. Or ideology may be created separately and pushed on party leaders, perhaps against their interests. Distinguishing these processes requires distinguishing purely ideological opinions from the partisan behavior of elected politicians. This paper develops such a model and applies it to the case of partisan change on slavery. Intellectuals in 1850 divided into two camps over slavery and the other major issues of the day at a time when slavery cross-cut the two parties in Congress. The ideological division matches one that develops in Congress a decade later, suggesting that the parties responded not just to electoral incentives, but also to this elite division. The ideology was accepted, even though it undermined longstanding attempts to hold together intersectional alliances.

Interpreting Ideal Points with Help from the Ideological Discourse.

• Dimensions of multidimensional scaling models have no natural interpretation.
• I merge data from outside Congress to help interpret the space inside Congress.
• Two not-quite-orthogonal dimensions seem to be ideology and party.
• Relationship of these dimensions changes over time.

Creative Synthesis: A Model of Reflective Equilibrium and Ideology Formation

This paper offers a model of ideological formation that combines psychological predispositions and rational self-interest. I argue that by modeling the way in which political thinkers reason from first principles, and how they fail to ignore their own psychological and interest-based biases, we can explain ideological development. A model of long coalitions (Bawn 1999) provides a structure for people's interests and their psychological traits, and a model of reason (Rawls 2001) provides a method of combing those interests and traits into an ideology.

Multinomial Ideal Point Estimation: When the Decision to Speak is as Important as What You Say
(Presented at PolMeth 2007)

This paper works with a theoretical model that implies the one way a person might manifest their ideology is through declining to take a position, and another way is through arguing with other co-ideologues. Thus the theoretical model implies an empirical model that allows abstention to serve as a third category. It also implies that taking the pro and con position on an issue may both be associated with the same ideological pole, while the other pole avoids the issue. I adapt an Item-Response Model to account for the case where abstention is a third category, not clearly between favoring and opposing a policy. The multinomial response lets any of these three responses: pro, con or abstain, be associated with either pole of a one-dimensional model. I apply this model to a dataset of pundits, and estimates tell a different story about the development of race as an ideological issue.


The Coalition Merchants: How Ideologues Shape Parties in American Politics

Dissertation Abstract: My dissertation proposes a theory of ideology and of the role that ideology plays in shaping party coalitions. Its empirical core is a measure of ideology that is independent of partisan politics. I collect the expressed opinions of political writers at 20 year intervals from 1830 to 1990. I argue that these thinkers create the ideology that structures political actors' beliefs and later party systems. I estimate the ideal points of the pundits in issue space in the same way that nominate estimates preferences for Members of Congress.  This permits me to compare the issue structure of party coalitions, as measured by congressional voting, with the issue structure of pundits. Analysis so far shows that not just ideas but ideological structures show up first among political intellectuals. As I further argue, this creates pressure on party politicians to follow suit, and usually they do.  (MORE)


View or Download my CV in PDF format here.



Georgetown University
Washington, D.C.
Department of Government
Assistant Professor
(Fall 2006 - present)

University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Robert Wood Johnson Scholars in Health Policy Research Scholar
(Summer 2008 - Summer 2010)

Princeton University
Princeton, N.J.
Center for the Study of Democratic Politics Research Fellow
(2005 - 2006)

University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, Calif.
Department of Political Science
Instructor, Teaching Assistant/Associate/Fellow, Research Assistant
(1998 - 2005)

Market Opinion Research International (MORI)
London, England
(July 2000)

Amsterdam School of Communications Research / University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Researcher (August 2000)


University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, Calif.
Department of Political Science
Ph.D. 2006 (M.A. 1999)

Northwestern University
Evanston, Ill.
Medill School of Journalism
BSJ 1994


A. Books

The Party Decides: Presidential Nominations Before and After Reform
2008. With Marty Cohen, David Karol and John Zaller (University of Chicago Press)

ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION: Political Ideologies and Political Parties in America Cambridge University Press

B. Peer-Reviewed Articles

Tea Party Influence: A Story of Activists and Elites
With Michael Bailey and Jonathan Mummolo
forthcoming. American Politics Research.

Which Long Coalition: The Creation of the Anti-Slavery Coalition
forthcoming. Party Politics.

The Coalition Merchants: The Ideological Roots of the Civil Rights Realignment
2012. Journal of Politics Vol. 74, No. 1, pp. 156-173.

The "Unfriending Problem": The Consequences of Friendship Attrition for Causal Estimates of Social Influence
2011. (Available online June16, 2011.) With Brendan Nyhan. Social Networks. Vol. 33. No. 3. 211-218

Serving Two Masters: Using Referenda to Assess the Relationship between Voters and Legislators
2012 (Available online March 2, 2011.) With Seth Masket. Political Research Quarterly.

Cooperative Party Factions in American Politics
2010. With Gregory Koger and Seth Masket. American Politics Research: Vol. 38 No. 1 pp. 33-53.

Partisan Webs: Information Exchange and Party Networks
2009. With Gregory Koger and Seth Masket. British Journal of Political Science: Vol. 39 pp. 633–6537.

C. Edited Articles

Ten Things Political Scientists Know that You Don't
2010. The Forum. Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 1–19, ISSN (Online) 1540-8884, DOI: 10.2202/1540-8884.1393, October 2010

Review of The Dynamics of Two-Party Politics: Party Structures and the Management of Competition, by Alan Ware
Political Science Quarterly Vol. 125, No. 3. pp. 515-517.

Methodological Issues in the Study of Political Parties 2010. The Oxford Handbook of American Political Parties and Interest Groups. L. Sandy Maisel and Jeffrey M. Berry, eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 57-76

Listening to the Coalition Merchants: Measuring the Intellectual Influence of Academic Scribblers
2007. The Forum: Vol. 5 : No. 3, Article 7.

Political Parties in Rough Weather
2007. with Marty Cohen, David Karol and John Zaller. The Forum. Vol.5, No.4, Article 3.

The Invisible Primary in Presidential Nominations, 1980-2004
2007. with Marty Cohen, David Karol and John Zaller
in The Making of the Presidential Candidates, 2008. William Mayer, ed. Rowman and Littlefield.

Pols or Polls? The Real Driving Force Behind Presidential Nominations
2003. with Marty Cohen, David Karol and John Zaller Brookings Review. Summer 2003 Vol.21 No.3 pp. 36-39

D. Other

Don't Look to a Third Party Candidate
2011. with Seth Masket. op-ed in the Los Angeles Times. August 11, 2011.

E. Under Review

Creative Synthesis: A Model of Reflective Equilibrium and Ideology Formation

A Theory of Political Parties
with Kathleen Bawn, Marty Cohen, David Karol, Seth Masket and John Zaller

F. Dissertation

The Coalition Merchants: How Ideologues Shape Parties in American Politics Ph.D. committee: John Zaller (chair), Kathleen Bawn, Jeff Lewis, Andy Sabl (public policy)

G. Selected Conference Papers

It's not Personal; It's Strictly Business: A Social Networks Analysis of Internal Party Cleavages, 1972-2008
Last presented at SPSA 2011 (New Orleans, La.)

Cloture Reform in the Senate, 1949-1975:  Understanding Senators' Preferences
With Gregory Koger
Last presented at SPSA 2009 (New Orleans, La.)

Long Coalitions under Electoral Uncertainty: The Electoral Origins of Political Parties
with Kathleen Bawn
Last presented at MPSA 2007 (Chicago, Ill.)

Without a Watchdog: The Effect of Local News on Political Polarization in Congress
with Marty Cohen and John Zaller
Last presented at APSA 2004 (Chicago, Ill.)


A. Academic Awards

Emerging Scholar Award, APSA Political Organizations and Parties Section (2009)

Nominated by UCLA political science department, E.E. Schattschneider Award, APSA, for best dissertation in American Politics (2006)

APSA Political Organizations and Parties Section/Party Politics Best Paper Award (2005) for "Ideology, Parties and the Origins of the Anti-Slavery Coalition."

Nominated, UCLA Copenhaver Award for Innovation in Teaching with Technology (2004)

APSA Presidency Section Best Paper Award (2003) for "Same Rules, Different Game: A General Model of Presidential Primaries, 1972 to 2000," (with Marty Cohen and John Zaller)

APSA Elections, Public Opinion and Voting Section Best Paper Award (2001) for "Beating Reform: The Resurgence of Parties in Presidential Nominations, 1980 to 2000," (with Marty Cohen, David Karol and John Zaller)

UCLA Political Science Department award, Best Paper Presented at a Conference (2000) for "Issue-Based vs. Ideological-Based Party Competition: Racial Intolerance and the Right in Sixteen Democracies." (An earlier version of "Shaping Ideology.")

B. Fellowships and Grants

  • University of Michigan, Robert Wood Johnson Scholars in Health Policy Research Fellowship (2008-2010)
  • Georgetown University, Summer Academic Grant (2007)
  • Princeton University, Center for the Study of Democratic Politics, Fellowship (2005-2006)
  • UCLA  Stewart Endowment Fellowship (2004-2005)      
  • Mentored Teaching Fellowship (2003-2004)
  • Stern / Hoffenberg Fellowship (2000-2001)        
  • UCLA department fellowship (2000)
  • Helen and J.A.C.  Grant Fellowship (1997-1998)

C. Other

  • Rita Anne Hartman Audience Award for "The Rest of Your Life." AngelCiti Hollywood (2001)
  • Sapphire Halo Audience Choice Award for "The Rest of Your Life." AngelCiti Chicago (2001)
  • Best Comedy for "The Rest of Your Life." New York International Independent Film and Video Festival (2001)
  • Erdös-Bacon Number: 9


A. Service to the Profession

Executive Committee, Political Networks organized section of APSA (2010-2012)
Membership Committee, Political Networks organized section of APSA (2009-2010)
Award Committee, Political Organizations and Parties Emerging Scholar Award (2010)
Award Committee, Political Organizations and Parties/Party Politics Award, Best Paper at APSA (2006)
Editorial Assistant, The Political Methodologist (2004-2005)
Founding member, The Klugie Group (1997)

American Journal of Political Science
American Political Science Review
American Politics Research
British Journal of Political Science
Brookings Institution Press
Economics and Politics
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties
Journal of Political Marketing
Journal of Politics
Journal of Theoretical Politics
Lexington Books
National Science Foundation
New Labor Forum
Norton Publishing
Political Analysis
Political Communication
Political Science Quarterly
Public Opinion Quarterly
Quarterly Journal of Political Science
Social Networks

Select Conference Participation
APSA (2000-2011)
MPSA (1999-2010)                    
SPSA (2009-2011)
WPSA (2000, 2001, 2004)
PolMeth (2003-2005, 2007-2010)
Political Networks Conference (2008-2011)
Ray C. Bliss Institute of Applied Politics "State of the Parties" Conference (funded participant, 2005)
Robert Wood Johnson Scholars in Health Policy Research Conference (invited, 2008-2010)
Stanford University Conference on Measurement Modeling in Political Science (invited, 2003)
History of Congress Conference (2007)
Moralistic Politics Workshop (2007)
Princeton University book conference for The Party Decides (2007)

INSNA Sunbelt (2010) 

C. Select Invited Lectures

“Political Ideologies and Political Parties”
George Mason University / Center for Study of Public Choice (February 2011)

“Interpreting Ideal Points with Help From the Political Discourse, or Why Everything You Know About NOMINATE Scores is Wrong”
University of California, Berkeley (September 2010)

"It's not Personal, it's Strictly Business: A Social Network Analysis of Presidential Nominations, 1972-2008"
University of Wisconsin (November 2009)

"The Coalition Merchants: Ideology and Party Conflict in American History":
Northwestern University (February 2009)
U. of California, Los Angeles (April 2009)

"The Party Decides: Anatomy of a Conversation about Presidential Nominations"
George Washington University (Oct. 2007)
Fairleigh Dickinson University (Dec. 2007)

D. Service to the University

American Government Two-Year Visitor Search Committee, Department of Government (2008)
American Government Search Committee, Department of Government (2007-2008)
Promotions and Budget Committee, Department of Government (2007-2008)
Co-coordinator, American Government Speaker Series (2007-2008)
Coordinator, DC Area Methods Workshop (2006-2008)
Master's Thesis Committee, Micha Rieser, "What Can Come of Just Hanging Out?  The Power of Politically Oriented Social Groups" Communication, Culture & Technology. (Defended April 24, 2007)
Scribe, Department of Government (2006-2007)

Teaching Assistant Allocator, Department of Political Science (2003-2004)
President, Political Science Graduate Student Association (1999-2002)
Graduate Student Member, Admissions Committee, Department of Political Science (1998-1999)

E. Courses Taught

Govt 508/501/701: Analysis of Political Data (Grad)
Govt 702: Advanced Political Analysis (Grad)
Govt 525/727/627: Political Parties (Grad)
Govt 233: Political Parties (Undergrad) 
Govt 357: Evolution of Ideology (Undergrad)          
Govt 410: Ideology and Party Coalitions (Undergrad)

PS 149-4: Political Coalitions (Undergrad)
PS 142A: Political Parties (Undergrad)
PS 191C: Evolution of Ideology (Undergrad)







  • The Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street: The Role of Ideological Movements in the U.S. Two Party System
    Keynote Slides

    Georgetown University Global Visiting Students Program (June 12, 2012)
    Dalhousie University (June 18, 2012)
    Saint Mary's University (June 19, 2012)
    University of Toronto (June 20, 2012)
    York University (June 20, 2012)
    Mississauga Chamber of Commerce (June 21, 2012)
    Mount Royal University (June 22, 2012)


  • Toward a Network Theory of Parties
    Keynote Slides

    University of Massachusetts, Computational Social Science Initiative (April 20, 2012)
    University of Colorado, Boulder, Political Networks Conference (June 16, 2012)
    University of Virginia, Political Parties, Past Present and Future (Oct. 8, 2012)

  • Political Parties and Coordination Problems
    Keynote Slides

    Tokyo Metropolitan Government visiting program (May 4, 2012)

  • Primary and General Elections in the United States
    Keynote Slides

    Spain and Argentina visiting program (Nov. 5, 2012)

  • Understanding the 2012 U.S. Election
    PowerPoint Slides

    Fudan University (Dec. 28, 2011)


  • The Coalition Merchants: Political Parties and Political Ideologies

    University of Virginia (Oct. 28, 2011)
    University of Denver (Nov. 8, 2011)
    University of Wisconsin, Madison (Nov. 16, 2011)

FALL 2012

GOVT 008: Introduction to the U.S. Political System

GOVT 008 is the department's introductory course in American Politics.

GOVT 701: Analysis of Political Data

GOVT 701 is the restricted to students in the Ph.D. program in Government at Georgetown. Students in other circumstances can contact me for more information, but it is unlikely that students not in the Ph.D. program will be admitted.


At Georgetown

  • GOVT 233: Political Parties
  • GOVT 357: The Road to Red and Blue America: The Evolution of Ideology in the United States
  • GOVT 410: The Evolution of Political Coalitions in the United States
  • GOVT 525: U.S. Political Parties
  • GOVT 627/727: Political Parties
  • GOVT 501/701: Analysis of Political Data (formerly 508)
  • GOVT 702: Advanced Political Analysis


  • PS 142A: Political Parties
  • PS 149-4: Political Coalitions: Parties and Ideology
  • PS 191C: The Road to Red and Blue America: The Evolution of Ideology in the United States


What did he write on my paper?

I use standard professional copy editing symbols. Most are pretty intuitive, but once in a while, some mark is unfamiliar to a student. Here are links to pages that explain the standards.



PDF from "University Writing Center"

The Rest of Your Life: The award-winning comedy I made with the inestimable Chris Wieland.

  • Rita Anne Hartman Audience Award
    • AngelCiti Hollywood 2001
  • Sapphire Halo Audience Choice Award
    • AngelCiti Chicago 2001
  • Best Comedy
    • New York International Independent Film Festival 200


Social Networking


Social Networking Sites Policy: I am happy to accept friend requests from current and former students on Facebook or LinkedIn. I generally do not initiate such requests. I set the privacy settings to limit the areas of my life students can see on Facebook, and I strongly suggest that students do the same.



Chloé Yelena Miller's Writing Blog
Chloé Yelena Miller's Food Blog: Fare La Scarpetta
Enik Rising (Seth Masket)
The Monkey Cage
Our Man in L.A. (Chris Wieland)
Brendan Nyhan
Nolan McCarty
Simon Jackman
Anthony Clark Arend
The Vreelander (Jim Vreeland)
Doha Diary (Mark Rom)
Analyzing Congress (Charles Stewart III)
Right Side Up (Vivian Masket)
Vegetarian for Picky Eaters (Scott McClurg)


Assistant Professor
Georgetown University

Hans Noel's research is concerned with political coalitions, political parties and ideology, with a focus on the United States. He is the co-author of The Party Decides: Presidential Nominations Before and After Reform and of the in-preparationbook Political Ideologies and Political Parties in America. He is interested in the implications for understanding parties of focusing on policy demanders, and he has been working on the application of social network analysis to political coalitions and coordination. Noel blogs on political parties and related issues at Mischiefs of Faction, and occaisonally at The Monkey Cage.

Noel teaches on parties, elections, political history and political methodology, including the department's Ph.D. methods sequence.

Noel was a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in Health Policy Research at the University of Michigan from 2008 to 2010, where he studied prohibition politics. Before coming to Georgetown, Noel was a fellow in the Center for the Study of Democratic Politics in the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University. He received his Ph.D. in 2006 from UCLA. From 1994 to 1997, Noel worked for a daily newspaper in Virginia. He is the co-director/co-producer of the award-winning feature film "The Rest of Your Life."


Contact Information

Department of Government
Georgetown University
ICC 669
Washington, DC 20057

202-687-7871 (Office)
202-687-5858 (Fax)



Social Networking Sites Policy: I am happy to accept friend requests from current and former students on Facebook or LinkedIn. I generally do not initiate such requests. I set the privacy settings to limit the areas of my life students can see on Facebook, and I strongly suggest that students do the same.