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Pause here, watch this 3-minute video, read The Fed Caused Disaster, then visit the rest of our site. It will change your life.

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Readers have long asked for an easy and simple way to introduce friends and family to the insightful analysis of Richard Maybury. It's finally here! The 5-Volume, Great Monetary Calamity Series on Kindle, covers economics, law, history, geopolitics, and finance. Tell your friends today!

How can anyone look at this chart and not know America is in major trouble?

Monetary Base

Monetary Base1

Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis

As you can see from this chart of the Monetary Base, when the economic chaos began in Dec '07, the US Federal Reserve under Ben Bernanke went stark raving mad printing dollars.

After 98 years of manipulation, the Fed has finally run out of maneuvering room and it is choosing runaway inflation as a way to stave off depression.

The Fed Caused Disaster... Is Finally Here.

One of the myths of the past six years of turmoil is that no one saw this coming. Nonsense. Readers of EWR certainly did.

For decades I have been predicting the day would come when P/E ratios, book values and other financial indicators would no longer mean much; investment prices would be steered by the behavior of government officials. The recent wild market swings in response to a befuddled Washington show this day has arrived.

Today the true quality of a given investment means almost nothing. The key to financial safety and profits is understanding the nature and behavior of government, because the game is rigged, federal officials tamper with everything. For a concise explanation, click here and then subscribe to EWR.

1The Monetary Base is the raw material the Federal Reserve uses to create the money supply. It consists of coins and bills held by the public, and bank reserves held at the Federal Reserve.

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Velocity Chart

Who Else Keeps You Informed About Velocity and Malinvestment?

Read an explanation of velocity here.

Learn Why EWR Is Famous For Geopolitics.

• Your tax dollars are buying weapons and ammunition for al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

• Mercenaries have become Washington's private army.

Read this article now to understand the implications of these two new Chaostan factors on your future.