Press Releases

25 November 2012

Against the backdrop of a land dispute on Qursaya Island: At Least Three Dead, Several Injured by Military Police and 25 Detained by Military Prosecutor

Three Egyptian rights organizations strongly condemned today the crimes committed by Military Police forces against residents of Qursaya Island, located in the governor ate of Giza, at dawn on Sunday, 18 November, which left at least three civilians dead and more than five others wounded.

24 November 2012

Rights Groups File Urgent Lawsuit against Presidential Decree

This morning 25 Egyptian advocacy organizations filed a lawsuit before the Court of Administrative Justice seeking the annulment of the President’s decree issuing a new constitutional declaration on 21 November and an expedited injunction suspending the decree. The suit (no. 9252/67JY) asks that a hearing on the petition, filed with the first circuit (rights and liberties), be set as soon as possible.

19 November 2012

“No” to constitution establishing political and theocratic tyranny; Egyptian rights groups reject draft constitution

The undersigned human rights organizations express their rejection of the content and philosophy of the draft constitution proposed by the Constituent Assembly and scheduled to be voted on in a referendum within the coming month. The undersigned organizations emphasize that this draft constitution  does not represent the cultural, religious, ethnic, and political diversity of Egyptian society.

12 November 2012

Letter from parties, NGOs,syndicates and political movements to the IMF

Dr. Hisham Qandil

Prime Minister of Egypt

Magles El Shaab St.,

Kasr El Aini St.Cairo


11 November 2012

One Day One Struggle - Celebration of Everyday Feminism and Honoring of Iman Salama

On Friday November 9th 2012, the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR), the New Women Foundation (NWF) and Women and Memory Forum (WMF) joined other global organizations in the 'One Day, One Struggle' campaign to celebrate everyday feminism, women’s daily struggles and commemorate the life of Iman Salama, the young woman who fought against harassment and lost her life as a result.


15 October 2012

مصلحة السجون تعاقب محبوسا احتياطيا لمطالبته بحقه في الرعاية الصحية


قدمت المبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية يوم 8 أكتوبر الماضي ببلاغ جديد للنائب العام طالبت فيه مجددا بضرورة اتخاذ الإجراءات الطبية اللازمة لعلاج وليد حسن أحمد، المحبوس احتياطيا على ذمة قضية "أحداث نايل تاورز“، والذي يعاني من إصابة بجرح في القرنية ويحتاج بشكل عاجل لإجراء جراحتين لاستكمال علاجه، بالإضافة إلى إصابته بكسر في عظمة الفخذ اليمني بسبب إطلاق الشرطة الرصاص عليه أثناء القبض عليه. ولا يلقى الحد الادنى من الرعاية الصحية داخل السجن. 

8 October 2012

Amr Adly: Egypt’s withering paternalism and the future of its political economy

Published in Egypt Independent, accessed 8 October 2012,

Egypt’s withering paternalism and the future of its political economy

24 September 2012

Understanding Teachers' Demands Using the Right to Education Lens

A commentary on the teachers' strike
Motaz Attala – Right to Education Program Officer

24 September 2012

Lack of Redress for Women Who Underwent Forced "Virginity Tests" Challenged by Egyptian and International NGOs

The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) and INTERIGHTS have initiated a case against Egypt following its failure to address violations by army personnel against female detainees, in what has come to be known as the “virginity tests” incident. The case, brought to the African Commission, alleges violations of the African Charter, to which Egypt is a signatory.