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PHP Fatal error in Bad Behavior 2.2.11?

Oops! If you attempted to download Bad Behavior 2.2.11 before right now, when the announcement was posted to this site, you received a copy with a syntax error, which generated a PHP fatal error.

I’ve replaced the download with a corrected version. If you are experiencing this issue, you can remove and reinstall Bad Behavior, or edit line 94 of bad-behavior/ and add a , (comma) after the second " (quotation mark) so that the beginning of the line reads "Nikto",.

As I’ve noted previously, I’m in the midst of moving away from WordPress subversion and toward git (and github) which will let me put in place processes to prevent this sort of brown paper bag problem again. Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience this may have caused you.

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One Response

  1. Thanks for pointing out. I threw an email to my site support team about HTTP 500 error from my homepage and they just pointed me that something went wrong with Bad Behavior plugin. I followed your instruction and my site was back to normal few minutes ago.