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Review of the media in 2012: Secrets from beyond the grave

'The public now finds itself feeling gullible and betrayed'

Instagram has come under fire from users who believe that the photo-sharing service may sell on their photos to third-party organisations

U-turn for Instagram as it scraps controversial changes

Online uproar forces photo-sharing service to backtrack on changes to privacy terms

Instagram faces backlash over plans to sell users' photos

Instagram is facing a backlash from its users after revealing it is to change its terms to allow the sale of people’s photographs to advertisers without telling them.

Ministers reject automatic web porn filter

Ministers have rejected calls for internet providers to be forced to automatically filter websites for online pornography.

Pope Benedict XVI: God's representative on Twitter sends first message

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was... 'Dear'

Clashes over Internet regulation during UN talks

Concerns raised by tech giants that new rules could be used by China and Russia to justify further online monitoring

The page, which was still online today at 2.30pm

Convicted paedophile wins Facebook injunction to shut down 'keeping our kids safe from predators' page as judge rules it infringes sex offender's human rights - and yet within hours a second page appears

Just hours after a judge ordered a Facebook page set up to monitor paedophiles to be taken down, a page with an almost identical name has appeared on the social networking site.

The spoof 'sexiest man alive'  story as it appears on 'The Onion' website

Reporting: The news outlets that can't handle the spoof

Who gets your vote for sexiest man alive? Ryan Gosling? Johnny Depp? What about George Clooney? Well, The Onion went with the less chiselled, but more powerful, Kim Jong Un, dictator of North Korea. "Kim made this newspaper's editorial board swoon with his impeccable fashion sense, chic short hairstyle, and, that famous smile," read the article.

Tajikistan blocks Facebook access to silence critics of president

Tajikistan has blocked access to Facebook in response to a slew of comments spreading "mud and slander" about veteran President Imomali Rakhmon and officials in the Central Asian republic.

Absorbing, lengthy reads not only bring in readers, but entice advertisers too

Cyber Culture: BuzzFeed - an unlikely investor in the future of longform journalism?

There are many ways for people to register their disapproval of something you've written and posted online, from a simple thumbs-down to a sustained campaign of harassment culminating in the imposition of a restraining order. But the most withering are those replies that simply read "TLDR" – or "too long, didn't read". It's become shorthand for our supposed intolerance for writing that extends beyond bullet points, an affirmation that lengthy tracts of prose belong to a pre-internet era. But maybe this is all a fallacy.

Twitter: No end of the Piers pain in sight

Despite juggling careers on both sides of the Atlantic, it takes more than mere time zones to hinder Piers Morgan's relentless presence on Twitter at any given hour.

Grace Dent polishes up her internet manners with help from Debrett’s

Online decorum: A long, hard day of being nice on the internet

Challenged to follow Debrett’s ‘Netiquette’, Twitterholic Grace Dent managed about 10 minutes

Nick D'Aloisio

Could a 17-year-old boy from Wimbledon transform how you read news on your phone? Nick D'Aloisio launches his Summly app today backed by Stephen Fry and Rupert Murdoch

Nick D'Aloisio is on sabbatical from his London school, where he is yet to take his A-levels. Last Sunday, just before the onset of Hurricane Sandy, he boarded a last plane out of New York's JFK airport to return to England in time for the global launch of his revolutionary iPhone app today, his 17th birthday.

Lost in the flood: superstorm Sandy's impact on lower Manhattan

A media storm: Why the way we talk about the weather has changed forever

Predicting the weather is no longer a mug’s game - it’s a social one. David Kenny, the king of US weather forecasts talks to Geoffrey Macnab.

Ancestry.com: Money grows on family trees

The site has just been sold for £1bn. Simon Usborne charts its founders’ histories, and how they made a mint out of your Great Auntie Mabel

iJobs Job Widget

Day In a Page

IoS Christmas Appeal: All they want for Christmas? Freedom from fear

IoS Christmas Appeal

All they want for Christmas? Freedom from fear
Jerome Flynn: 'Being a pop star? It was a Disney ride...'

Jerome Flynn: 'Being a pop star? It was a Disney ride...'

Actor, singer, recluse: he has walked a long and less-travelled road since 'Soldier Soldier' – and now he's back in a new prime-time thriller
The IoS's Great Britons 2012

Great Britons 2012

The IoS presents its top 101 stars of the past year; inspirational characters who moved and uplifted us all. Plus the year's Plonkers − better luck in 2013, chaps
Long live the spirit of our family Christmas

David Randall: Long live the spirit of our family Christmas

Reports of festive ill will and tedium are exaggerated. Like our Victorian forebears, most of us will be making our own fun at home together
Big Yellow Taxi? Not in Washington DC

Rupert Cornwell: Big Yellow Taxi? Not in Washington DC

The city's notoriously laissez-faire taxi industry faces regulation of fares and routes at last. But how should they be painted?
Fallen angel: How Lily James is bringing scandal to Downton Abbey this Christmas

Fallen angel: Lily James is bringing scandal to Downton Abbey

She might have been banished from the Abbey, but that won’t stop Lily James from wreaking havoc on Downton’s Christmas.
A year in The Thick of It: Political life had a way of imitating art again and again during 2012

A year in The Thick of It...

Political life had a way of imitating art again and again during 2012
Hot Stuff! The trends of 2012

Hot Stuff! The trends of 2012

Dancing to a South Korean pop song while pretending to be a horse was one of the more unusual, or rather, inexplicable hits of the past 12 months
Away from the manger: Meet the people who spend Christmas in extraordinary circumstances

Away from the manger

Meet the people who spend Christmas in extraordinary circumstances
Famous relationships: Romance? Showmance? Fauxmance?

Romance? Showmance? Fauxmance?

Henry VIII and Anne, Kylie and Jason, Simon and Carmen – The IoS weighs up the evidence about the true nature of these famous relationships
Yule rules: Your guide to having a middle-class Noël

Yule rules: A middle-class Noël

The authors of ‘The Art of Being Middle Class’ present their essential guide to surviving yuletide
The final countdown: A timely guide to the perfect Christmas feast

The final countdown to Christmas

Christopher Hirst presents a timely guide to the perfect festive feast
That's the stuff: Bill Granger's stress-free Christmas recipes

That's the stuff: Bill Granger's Christmas recipes

Keep the cooking to a minimum – you really don’t need any more than a nice joint, a couple of veggies and one of these fantastic recipes.
Paula Dunn: The new pacesetter who must pick up the London baton

Paula Dunn: The new pacesetter who must pick up the London baton

She's the first female head coach to be appointed by UK Athletics, and the first black one – and she has been handed a tough task
Why Matt Prior is my player of the year

Why Matt Prior is my player of the year

World-class batsman, bustling wicketkeeper, sergeant-major, peacemaker – England's stumper is now a man of many parts, writes Stephen Brenkley